Alright, I wanna put a stop to the debate.
Xür, the Agent of The Nine is a vendor that comes to the tower from Friday to Sunday. As everyone knows, he is your one-stop-shop to buy exotic weapons and armor pieces. You purchase the gear with [b]strange coins[/b]. Now the argument against purchasing these items from Xür is, that you're not actually "earning" these items. How can this be true? If you do the weekly heroic on three characters and grind to do all of them on level 30 to bag yourself a mere 27 coins, that seems like your earning them to me. In turn you are also earning the gear you buy from Xür because you grinded for said coins.
People say that they "earned" the exotic gear by playing raids and Vangaurd Roc strikes. Okay let's put it like this, you "earned" the gear because you killed the deathsinger and [b]RNG[/b] randomly generated an exotic for you? You got [b]LUCKY[/b], there was no earning involved. The Random Number Generator system is completely based on luck! Not how much time you spent on the game, or how many raids you played, or even how much crucible you played! Luck is everything in this game. So Bungie, being the [b]AWESOME[/b] company they are, put in a way to actually EARN Your exotics. (Xür)
I rest my case, I would like to see some POV's on this topic, don't post nothing but hate on this thread. Let's get this trending
doing a weeklie is very easy ,so even if you earn your coins it was a simple lvl 32 strike, when you get a exotic from the deathsinger(taking the same exemple from you) sure ,you got lucky but the activitie was more challenging than a simple weeklie with matchmaking (which make it more easier). xur should sell only half or less the exotic from this game. if I did mistakes sorry im not native english.