In this thread, I will give my opinion on the best rocket launchers and perks/perks combos. For other weapon classes, go here
I am only going to be suggesting legendaries since this is a reforging guide. Let's start.
The best overall PvE and PvP Rocket Launchers have to be Radeghasts Fury and The Ash Factory. Both have balanced stats and [b]most importantly[/b] 1 in the mag. I'll explain why. Having 1 in the mag gives you 3 in reserve when picking up heavy in the crucible. That and Clown Cartridge (Chance of 1 more rocket per reload) makes it possible to get a total of 7 rockets, when having 2 in the mag gives you 1 in reserve, making it possible to get only a total of 4.
For PvP, you want Clown Cartridge and Proximity Detonation. Clown Cartridge for extra rockets and Proximity for firing around corners and killing anyone who is hiding there because the Proximity Detonation will detect them and explode.
For the middle column you want Javelin (Increased Velocity) or Speed Reload (Faster Reload) depending on the velocity of the rocket launcher.
Best Launchers for PvP: Radeghasts Fury, The Ash Factory and Admonisher III(Javelin is essential on this one).
For PvE, I want a hard-hitting launcher with as many rockets as I can get. For the first perks, I would recommend Tripod, because that will increase mag size to 3 and reserve mag size to 5, making it 8 rockets that you can carry at a time.
For middle column I'd suggest a faster reloading perk. Velocity isn't as crucial as it is in PvP because the enemies can't detect the rockets the same way a human does.
Then for the final perk I'd say tracking. Not Proximity Detonation, because then Weapons of Light wouldn't affect the rocket in any way. WoL affects a rockets impact on something. Without the rocket explodin on impact but with proximity, WoL will [u]not[/u] affect it.
Best Launchers : Any rocket launcher that is Reforge Ready.
Side note: If you have the Gjallarhorn, you should probably use it unless the thing you're doing has arc burn or void burn.
Feel free to argue with me about perk choices/combos. Please don't just say "CC and Proximity OP is such a scrub got gud fagit" but also tell me why you think so.
I will be making a Heavy Machine Gun Reforge Guide next. Tell me if this has been helpful too.
Can you rate my dreamwalker on my hunter? It's what I use in PvP