originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
*I flip backwards and seem to merge right into the shadows.
You hear a faint click of metal behind you*
[spoiler]Sorry about the wait.[/spoiler]
Edited by ANDR0SISBUSCUS: 6/4/2015 10:38:15 PM*Using my forward momentum, I roll in a somersault. I drop a smoke grenade behind me and come up facing where I came from* "Your move"
*I step out in front of you through the smoke while casually loading a bulky pistol* "Is all you do is roll around?" *I shimmer, a faint outline that fades quickly*
*I crouch with my blades out * "I might roll around but all you seem to do is vanish here and appear there. Not much better."
*I laugh as I holster the odd pistol* "Finally somebody with a sense of humor!!!" *I flourish with both hands and knives are in them as I finish* "You like that trick? Simple illusion." [spoiler]You can join. Want to continue your (first?) fight?[/spoiler]
"Impressive. I think I could learn a few things from you, one never knows when a trick like that would come in handy. But let us continue" *I throw two knives at you and make a spinning leap towards you*
*I slide on my knees under you dodging the knives to get under you, and a block of shadow shoves you high into the air* "Coming down?" *I finish the slide and straighten up, facing where you will fall*
*I twist in midair to come back down onto your shoulders. I throw my weight to pull us both to the ground*
*I roll backwards, kicking you in the back as I complete it* "Nice, seems like you have a firm understanding of physics."
"I just can't seem to hit you. Dodge this" *I throw several fans of razors at varying heights while advancing towards you *
Edited by TwiggierTiger22: 6/5/2015 12:37:25 AM*I open 2 rifts, one in front of the razors and one behind you. The razors fly through the first one and now fly at you from behind* "You see, I'm not a tank like my father. I don't like to get hit."
*My armor deflects most of the razors, but I wince as a few hit me* "Not fair, I'm not using any sorcery... Not that I know much anyway" *I advance once more, swinging two swords. I go into a trance-like state that allows me to see that which is hidden* [spoiler] Think eagle vision from Assassin's Creed[/spoiler]
*You notice something odd about me, as if I was nothing but a shadow to your vision. I block your swords with both of my knives, and as you leave yourself open a tendril slaps you in the chest, staggering you backwards* "Down boy..."
*I sheath my blades and kneel* "I see that I am but an apprentice to one as you, teach me how to wield such magic that I might have more than my blades."
*I laugh, then the decoy in front of you melts into pure shadow as I step out next to you* "Well, first things first. I was born with this magic. Made, rather. I can help you learn to use the shadows as I do, insuring that no one notices you without your consent. I also see that you favor knives. Good, you never know when you will have to use them." *I sit down, motioning you to do so as well*
*I sit*
"So, what do you wish to know? Think before asking. Find the most meaningful question that comes to mind."
"I wish to use the shadows to move as you did. You could simply step into one shadow and appear in another"
"Ah. The one thing I cannot teach." *I shake my head, a grim look on my face* "I do not use the shadows, I am the shadows themselves, given life and breath." *I gesture widely* "All shadows are connected, they are a part of the great darkness beyond. I use that connection to move from one shadow to the next. I will help you learn to use the shadows, but do not expect to suddenly be falling into the darkness. That alone is my curse. Next question."
You were always ready for my strikes, almost as if you had seen them coming. Am I that obvious to you, or is there something deeper?
*I shrug* "I am an elf, some things are obvious to us more than others. Your body also can betray your intentions. The way you shift before a strike; the slight twitch of a finger finding its way to a trigger; these things become obvious with experience. I saw how you tensed up, how you adjusted your body for a strike. But I will give you this, you are well trained. You saw where to strike, you had no hesitation at all. You think with absolute certainty, you know what to do." *I twirl a dagger as I talk, making it appear and disappear in my hand* "Next question"
"Was your shadow decoy just another of your in born tricks or can you teach that?" [spoiler] Sorry for the wait. I fell asleep[/spoiler]
"It is actually a little bit of born magic, and an idea I got from my mother. I can teach you something similar, but it will not be the same." *I smile* "You are thinking clearly, good. Next question, please."
"I feel that you are looking for a particular question that I don't yet see."
*With complete seriousness* "You didn't ask me where I got the cool sombrero"
*with equal seriousness* I didn't ask about the sombrero because I don't have the skill to wear such a sombrero.