Hey everyone,
As many of you know, MCC now supports the File Share system as well as looking up other people's File Shares in search of the wondrous custom games they may contain.
Due to this, I wanted to get a thread going where people can post their gamertags if they have custom games on their File Shares to share with the world. This is the place to build up a thriving custom-game community again.
Also, if you have any requests for custom games, shout it out here. See someone shouting out a custom that you have? Let them know, and make their day!
[spoiler]To look-up players and their file shares:
1. At the main menu, press 'X' to bring up the roster. Select YOUR OWN gamertag.
2. Select the new 'Find Player' option.
3. Enter the gamertag of the player you're trying to find.
4. You'll be directed to their 'Player Details' page; select 'File Share'.
5. Bam! Download their goodies.[/spoiler]
Some I've found online and checked:
Edited OP with 2 gamertags that both have a lot. I'll add more as I find and check them to confirm.
Go to the leaderboards for Floodgate on Halo 3, and then look for the 4:29 times. The GT is RUSTYNA1LZ and his file share is amazing.
I've got a couple of maps I could upload later. Gamertag: LucarioF14
Invite Houston ninja sometime if anyone is playing!
I will upload my map sometime. GT: Hyenaedon
I'm in the process of trying to find some gamertags from around the Internet with customs to share here. It might take a bit though as I would like to check to make sure they still have the customs on their file shares.
I may have to start playing Halo again, file share was put in way too late tho
I don't have any. Bump.