For too long the Gjallarhorn has been a crutch for PvE players! All I can see on the recruitment channel LFG's is 'must have maxed out Gjallarhorn' it's been this way for quite some time! Bungie need to step up, either nerf this weapon or even better the addition of new go to weapons with a slight increase in drop rate. There needs to be more variation, similarly just as PvP has Thorn, PvE has the Gjallarhorn. Why are we being forced into using these 'go to' weapons! Good job Bungie!
This may look like a whine post (and you might be right) but you know deep down I'm stating a legitimate fact!
[i]This post is meant to start an actual debate or even a solution to the problem, if you're going to retort with insults or you're too dumb to think up a legitimate argument then don't respond. It's as simple as that.[/i]
This weapon is not a crutch. You are just angry because you dont have one. The fact is is that many people who own it dont use it, especially when there are modifiers. I beat skolas this week. No Gjallrhorn... void burn... it would be usless. Solar burn uou might say, I know many people who dont use gjallrhorn so that they can use icebreaker. Even vex for that matter. If your saying that its a crutch then so are all exotics. As for the matter of RNG get used to it we all go through it. I have dealt with it since the beta. Its just the way MMORPGs are. I have spent countless hours grinding to get thing just to start over again. Skolas last week is the perfect example. I spent about 23 hours on Skolas alone and never beat him. Another example is crota normal. I have beaten it countless times still no hunger of crota. But I still have to try... thats just the way this game works. If you get fed up with it play a different one and then come back. We all know the struggle. Just dont be a bitch about it. And if you really think bungie would remove a gun, you are insane. Exotics are exotic for a reason. Otherwise they are not worth having.