I just want to say sucked in to all you scrubs that were expecting Gjallarhorn. Hahaha cry cry kids haha in your fat nerdy faces HAHA!!!
No more gjally! No more Gjally!!
Git gud skrubs!
Didn't you just post a ghorn petition, the outcome of which was aimed at fixing this kind of asinine behavior?
Dude why? You and post like these are the reason why 80% of the content on this forum is garbage. So what you have a Gally. I have five. Instead, let me give you some advice...help others through raids, PoE, and ToO where drop rates are high so that those that are unfortunate to get this random drop can have their chance. Garbage post, garbage player...be better than this! !blam!
I think it's trying to communicate. it's a bit hard to decrypt it through all the idiocy though. I think this ones a dud, let's just mute It and move on.
You're the same guy complaining about thorn and gjallahorn so you should git gud skrub
Gjallerhorn isn't even on his loot table anymore, it literally got replaced with the vex so xur is never gonna sell it, even if he did sell it, bungie would have to nerf it as much as icebreaker was nerfed when it was sold. I still can't get one though put 20 days plus into the game
Teamed up with this kid on the group finder once and got kicked at the chest on skolas. You're the reason cancer exists.
Op is mad about something but I can't quite place it.
The only fat sweaty nerd is OP. He lives in his mom's basement and eats turkey sandwiches his mom made. He tries to speak English, but in return speaks in a prehistoric tongue. They say he has a IQ, but no one has confirmed this.
you missed #satire