Every rocket launcher is op in PvP. Gjallerhorn is not any more op hen the rest. Actually, it may be luck, but I find that I can blink, dodge, and survive a rocket from a gally better than other rockets.
In PvE it's not killing you. So, why does it even matter?
Wolfpack rounds follows secondary targets in PvP. That's not op? There's the full enemy team in front of you in Osiris, you got gjallahorn. Shoot. The impact kill 2 of them and the third is follow by the wolfpack rounds and killed. That's op to me
That's one specific situation where the weapon works as intended. If they're all standing that close together that's poor strategy, not an op weapon. Also, what's to say that any rocket launcher, or a legendary with cluster bombs, wouldn't have also worked in that situation.
Cluster don't follow if you jump... I put an scenario, if one is far of the other will live of course...