Welcome to the Vault Of Glass Normal Raid Finder
Please like this topic so it will be easier to find when searching for Raid help.
I've been using I'm Too Animo's Forum ( https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/86161691 ), but it gets full a lot so I'm creating a 2nd option for robust matching.
Just like Animo, if you need help with any Raids or Goals just msg me on XBOX Live and if I'm not too busy I'll gladly help. I'm also friends with quite a few Sherpas and we all love to help.
- "bunsupkneelin"
- Level 40 Titan
- Level 40 Warlock
- Level 40 Hunter
Xbox One - Vault Of Glass Normal Raid Finder
- [You are Here]
Xbox One - Vault Of Glass Hard Raid Finder
- https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/127524984/0/0
Xbox One - Crota's End Normal Raid Finder
- https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/127526118
Xbox One - Crota's End Hard Raid Finder
- https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/127527623
Xbox One - Weekly Nightfall/Heroic Strike Finder
- https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/127530218
Xbox One - Trials Of Osiris Team Finder
- https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/127531292
Xbox One - Prison Of Elders Team Finder
- https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/127532178
Xbox One - King's Fall Raid Team Finder
- https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/154400813
Gatekeeper checkpoint on normal need 4 more msg TheRedEyeJedi3 for inv
Need 3 more for VOG MESSAGE ME IN GAME GT: WakOhhhh
Need 5 at Templar hard Msg for invite
Gatekeeper checkpoint on normal need 4 more msg TheRedEyeJedi3 for inv
Invisible steps checkpoint on normal need 4 more msg TheRedEyeJedi3 for inv
Need 4 for fresh run! Message me for invite!
Looking for 4 people, got atheon checkpoint on normal then we're going to run a fresh VOG hard, I'm on Xbox one - message 'kabr vex' for an invite
Lv34 titan looking for 5 for normal vog fresh quick run, lv30+ message Amethyst Tiger with class and level if you want in
Lvl 34 warlock looking to do hard VOG invite me GT Alexis00097
Lookn for 2 more for atheon CP. Msg erod ftw for inv
34 titan lots of experience looking to help team through vog
Level 34 Warlock looking for Gorgon or Gatekeeper starting points. Have max Gally before Xur became a trader. Max Fatebringer , felwinters, praetorian foil etc. GT xcrashqueen
Martorana lvl 34
Need 4 for vog normal Lvl 26+ I have someone who run relic for temp Message Arch0n Pri3st for invites
Need 4 for vog normal Lvl 26+ I have someone who run relic for temp Message Arch0n Pri3st for invites
Lvl 34 hunter Looking for fresh normal vog, experienced, have max icebreaker, gally, all 365 weapons, invite me plz, same gt. thanks!
Need 4 for vog normal Lvl 26+ I have someone who run relic for temp Message Arch0n Pri3st for invites
Edited by Z06Moddr: 8/14/2015 6:44:27 PMI got one with gally invite gt above
Need 4 for vault of glass fresh run gt same as above
VoG invite me gt: ACTIVDONUT
Looking for a Group for vog normal .. Please join or invite . GT: T Boss89
Need 3 more for fresh run normal Gt same as above
need 2 for fresh, Message The Spartyboy
Need 2 or three running a fresh Vog normal. Letting my buddy practice with the relic. Willing to take noobs don't care. We have completed the raid tons of times have every exotic just looking to have find with some chill ppl. We have 3 34's only requirement... Be chill. Message for invite
i need 5 more for oracle checkpoint on hard send solidGERMAN a message for an invite fast run playing as a lvl 34 titan
Edited by Bxtch Got Probz: 8/12/2015 4:40:20 AMNeed 2 at normal atheon cp. Gt same as above