With all the whining and crying on the forum...has anybody actually tried to sue Bungie/Activision?
I only ask because I read a story today that goes as follows (partly summarised):
"A woman has sued eBay after the website took down her selling of 1m squared plots of THE SUN, stating- it was not possible to sell intangible goods or goods the owner did not own".
"The Spanish courts recognised her claim...and as such eBay may be liable to provide compensation."
"The woman registered the stars name (the sun) under her own with a Spanish organisation that issues registers for such."
She claims:
"The international agreement between countries that prohibits the ownership of planets and stars, does not include herself as she is an individual."
So there you have it. If you can own the sun, surely somebody can sue bungie (wrongfully imo) for not "nerfing X" or "X was in disc but...CAPITALISM".
No. But always remember that bungie lost in court to marty.