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6/6/2015 2:26:52 AM
I've been reading a lot of this topic lately and have been watching the struggle. I've only just started talking on the subject last night but I want to put this out there to whoever is pro matchmaking. No matchmaking is not .. despite what some people seem to think. to bring the community together. The playlists that have matchmaking do so because they're not overly complicated. They don't require communication or gear loadouts. They simply require the desire to point and shoot. If they added matchmaking to PoE it would.. I couldn't imagine trying to do Qodron with people that don't know the fight You could say "Teach those that don't know!" But come on .. this isn't a utopia Anyone that's played any online gaming ever know that there are just some people that won't read your messages or listen to you when you try to explain something. You could dumb the fights down so that it's easily do able with a "let's shoot things " attitude. But that's not fair to people that can form groups with friends or are willing to take the time to find a solid group on lfg. So what then create two versions where the non match made version rewards more so that the more hardcore players feel rewarded. Then we're right back here with this problem. People wanting matchmaking for that too. Don't get me wrong I hate the prejudice of people thinking you have to have gjally for everything. I do each Poe / nightfall / raids multiple times a week just to help people and I don't have a gjally because that's just how rng is in a tradeless game. So thinking how this would affect the difficulty curve of the game .. Matchmaking is a terrible idea. Maybe for nightfall ? If you wanna risk it with people you don't know I mean .. could be a time sink but most nightfalls are easily soloable so it's reasonable to request matchmaking there. And finally Trials. I ... Don't even think I need to say why this would be a terrible idea to be matchmade If you aren't a big pvper then well. It just doesn't matter because aside from adept weapons the gear is just okay at best. Matchmaking would just make my 9-0 easier.

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  • [quote]I've been reading a lot of this topic lately and have been watching the struggle. I've only just started talking on the subject last night but I want to put this out there to whoever is pro matchmaking. No matchmaking is not .. despite what some people seem to think. to bring the community together.[/quote] That is the entire point of matchmaking in games. Only up until now, Nintendo were the only ones who didn't understand that and put up giant barriers to socialization. [quote]The playlists that have matchmaking do so because they're not overly complicated. They don't require communication or gear loadouts. They simply require the desire to point and shoot.[/quote] So you're implying that the only thing a matchmade group is capable of doing is pointing and shooting? You're correct that the playlists that have matchmaking not requiring headsets, but the reason only that content has mm isn't because mm groups wouldn't be able to accomplish harder tasks. The reason they don't want to include it is because someone in a mm group might call little Billy a scrub or make fun of his tiny voice. They are terrified of the Halo 3 reputation and so because a few might be bad seeds, everyone has to suffer. [quote]I couldn't imagine trying to do Qodron with people that don't know the fight You could say "Teach those that don't know!" But come on .. this isn't a utopia Anyone that's played any online gaming ever know that there are just some people that won't read your messages or listen to you when you try to explain something.[/quote] I've played online games content infinitely more complex than anything found in Destiny with no headsets, just chat boxes and groups have had zero issues beating the challenges before them. [quote]You could dumb the fights down so that it's easily do able with a "let's shoot things " attitude. But that's not fair to people that can form groups with friends or are willing to take the time to find a solid group on lfg.[/quote] No one is asking anything to be dumbed down and you can still LFG. It's funny, you commented in a rebuttle to someone else that they were full of hate for typing the words "special snowflake" and yet you have no issue passive aggressively intimating that anyone who use mm are inferior idiots to LFG groups. Random vs random. Same player base, but let's all praise you. [quote]So what then create two versions where the non match made version rewards more so that the more hardcore players feel rewarded. Then we're right back here with this problem. People wanting matchmaking for that too.[/quote] What are you even talking about? Hardcore? Because you LFG? Should we compare playtime for everyone? [quote]Don't get me wrong I hate the prejudice of people thinking you have to have gjally for everything.[/quote] But are perfectly content with prejudice thinking that you're better than anyone you could meet in matchmaking... [quote]I do each Poe / nightfall / raids multiple times a week just to help people and I don't have a gjally because that's just how rng is in a tradeless game.[/quote] That's very nice of you. [quote]So thinking how this would affect the difficulty curve of the game ..[/quote] It wouldn't. [quote]Matchmaking is a terrible idea.[/quote] Don't use it. [quote]Maybe for nightfall ? If you wanna risk it with people you don't know I mean ..[/quote] Again, as apposed to "risking" it with people you also "don't know" from LFG.... [quote]could be a time sink but most nightfalls are easily soloable so it's reasonable to request matchmaking there.[/quote] They're all easily soloable. [quote]And finally Trials. I ... Don't even think I need to say why this would be a terrible idea to be matchmade[/quote] Because you have no argument. [quote]If you aren't a big pvper then well. It just doesn't matter because aside from adept weapons the gear is just okay at best.[/quote] So if the rewards are crap, what do you care who can play? [quote]Matchmaking would just make my 9-0 easier.[/quote] Lego your ego.

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  • Edited by ButterPecan: 6/6/2015 8:32:59 AM
    Ah the app didn't even show me this reply. I had to actually go find the thread to see it. I'm not trying to imply that using lfg makes you "hardcore" or that you shouldn't matchmake because it's inferior. I've put thousands of hours on mmos using 0 voice with complete strangers and accomplished difficult tasks. I didn't mean for matchmaking to seem scruby I'm sorry it came across like that - that isn't what I meant. What I meant by the overall lack of communication is that we don't have a chat box and not everyone can be on a Mic because maybe someone is sleeping , someone broke their Mic on accident. Doesn't matter, there are plenty of reasons. Things like qodron or the raids aren't exactly hard they just require a small amount of communication for each person having a role ,after that it's easy. What I mean about the nightfall being a risk Isn't that matchmaking wouldn't work. Or that you may get baddies. It's that not everyone has a ton of time to play. And if you get kicked back to orbit you're likely to lose one if not both of your members regardless of who's "fault" it was . Not quite like a raid or Poe where you start the room or boss over and can talk about what can be changed and give it another shot. Which - is part of the fun, at least to me. To figure fights out. Edit : the app doesn't make it easy to address all points .. unless I'm using it wrong. I don't meant to be "against " matchmaking. If anything I'm for it. it doesn't affect me. I play with people from a local game shop so I wouldn't really use it unless I were bored and everyone was at work. So it would simply help more than hurt. I just.. Don't think everyone should be labled as "for" or "against" My original reply was mainly to bring up points that would be negative to the game. If you can show that it wouldn't hurt the game then I'd be even more "for" .

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  • Edited by Lost Sols: 6/6/2015 3:00:07 AM
    Matchmaking would lead to people finding teams to play with to wreck your 9-0.

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  • That's the only thing you can pull from that ? Someone comes with a legitimate point and all you can bring up is trials trash talk I wish they would. I love good trials matches they're so fun.

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  • You obviously haven't played games that include it.

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  • If Destiny launched with matchmaking there wouldn't be an uprising against it. It's that fact that it wasn't included and people get to feel like special snowflakes that they are against it.

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  • Edited by ButterPecan: 6/6/2015 3:33:08 AM
    If Destiny launched with matchmaking perhaps but it didn't so we are where we are. And no one that obtains the new content fast cares if other people have it. If it's pve then it doesn't matter because there isn't a trade system and some people got more lucky than others. Not a big deal. And having raid weapons in PvP doesn't really matter .. there are only a few raid weapons that are top tier in PvP. Also your reply came across with a very large amount of backed up hatred for people that obtain items. In a game with no trade system you should always be happy when someone betters their stats or obtains something they desire. Not harbor some deep jealousy. Edit: I'd also like to note that I'm not against matchmaking. I thought this was suppose to be a discussion not fools beating each other with opinions. Adding matchmaking wouldn't really affect me positive or negative. The reply was simply to state the cons of a matchmaking systems and the domino effect it would bring on all content

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