I know [i]everything[/i]
[b]cookie chart[/b]
popcornyummy [i]first to get a cookie[/i]
edit: people are really hungry for cookies, 2 half cookies have been given away, but there is still a full cookie
edit: just got a [u]huge[/u] box of cookies, expect to see more half cookies everywhere. but still know one has a full cookie!
edit: several cookies have been given away now (as seen on cookie chart) but now that there is over 860 replies I will not be able to answer most of them because [i]er mer gerd[/i] I have a life outside of these forums lol, so it will just be more special if you get a cookie ;)
edit: the cookie chart is closed, but you can still get a cookie and
edit: give each other cookies mine are stale
This is fun. Too tired to tell you something you don't know though....
Edited by ehicken: 6/7/2015 6:04:53 AMIt is a game Can I has cookyi nowe
The Black Gardens Heart is a shard of the Traveler. The Vex worship what they don't understand since they are infinite immortal robots. They obviously didn't understand the Traveler and fused that shard with Darkness to create a god. [spoiler]Chocolate Chip is my favorite.[/spoiler]
You can prevent Hobgoblin time whosiwhatsits with the Vestian Dynasty.
Edited by Im Rob1n: 6/6/2015 5:16:40 PM[spoiler]Butterfingers are actually made of Corn-Flakes[/spoiler]
Way back in Destiny's Alpha years, all Hand cannons were spun around like TLW when pulled out but was later scrapped.
Mask of the Third Man has blue eyes on males and green eyes on females
There are multiple cards that hint at the fact that it was Rasputin, and not the darkness, that wiped out most of humanity.
Minotaurs have three eyes. That is why they can still chase you after you pop the middle one.
You can kill Atheon with a scorch cannon
In the mothyards, there is a cave with a pond. About 15 feet up is a glowing room that is just out of jump reach
Edited by Apollo: 6/7/2015 5:24:21 AMDid you know of thantonaughts? Edit: im asking OP im sure alot of you know
The scorch cannons that the wolves use......if you stick an enemy and charge it for the extra damage it will prevent the enemies shields from regenerating.
On second thought, ill go to a porn site and get like 50 cookies
You can destroy thorn with Atheons epilouge
Destiny is actually has a small tribute to Pokémon. If you look at some cabal doors on Mars, you'll notice that it resembles the look exactly like a Pokéball.
[url=http://imgur.com/a/2XK9]Titans can be Space Marines.[/url]
She started stripping at 20 to make money for school.
In crucible, invective is literally the best shotgun. Despite what ppl say, its ammo [i]does[/i] regen. This means you don't have to risk running into opponents going after the ammo crates, thus you won't run the risk of giving them a kill, which means they dont get points! Mind blowing huh? Shame ppl value stats over practicality, which is why invective is so under rated compared to most legendary shotguns that have better range, impact, etc. etc. Which also explains its rare usage i pvp
Dinklebot seems only useful for opening doors, and that's true! I'm this game, there are areas (such as the Shadow Thief Strike) where if you hold your Dinklebot nearby a door it will open
When you aren't looking at Petra Venj, she will throw her knife in the air and make it levitate! (Space magic!) You can see it if you position yourself just right behind her
If you get hit by a cabal shield guy, there's a chance he'll send you flying
If you get off your sparrow and shoot the back engine with a scout it flies forwards for a hundred yards then explodes killing all around it. My 6 year old grand son discovered this messing about.
Warlocks were based off of Jedi Knights in predevelopment.
Ascendant motes used to be needed to upgrade certain legendary armor pieces. But they didn't actually exist sooooooo they were removed.
While in Crucible, if you bring up your Ghost while Thorn DOT is active, hold triangle/Y, you'll completely remove it. Great countermeasure.