So my wife bought 3 day passes for A-Kon back in August. The convention is going on right now this weekend. And we aren't there. Why? Because on May 27th at 9:44pm our son decided it was time to come into the world. And you know what? I'm having more fun right now holding my son as I type this than being at A-Kon. Being a new dad is awesome! :)
Does kid look like A-kon?
Congratulations and good luck man!
Akon is still around?
Akon doesn't have a dash and I'm pretty sure he's not on any sort of tour
You wasted a few hundred dollars and now have to pay medical expenses for your son. Objectively speaking, you're losing.
Congratulations. May Allah bless your son with a long life!
Now all that's left to do is be a good parent and watch more anime with your wife and son.
Congratulations, and good luck with the kid.
What the hell is A-kon?