originally posted in:African War Tribe
I'm going to try and help some of you guys out and take you through raids. Put down your information here, time zone and times that your online and I'll try and figure out a time we can all play a raid. Can't wait guys.
Gamertag: VenomousFlex Time Zone: EST Online: Most Monday's, weekends, and weeknights (6:30-11) System: XBox360 Playing since day one, haven't run a raid yet. Lvl 34 Warlock and Hunter, Lvl 33 Titan. Interested in hard VoG mostly but will also do hard CE - I really just need some elemental primaries because I've never had any =(. Solid player who doesn't mind taking directions to learn, just let me know what set-up you need to round out the fireteam and I'm there!
Gamer tag - Rymarski. Time zone - CST Online - Most weeknights and free usually on weekends. Definitely down for some raids.
Edited by kilketay: 6/7/2015 2:10:05 PMGamer Tag - Kilketayy Time Zone - EST Online - weekends and most weeknights Did Crota reg, mostly carried through it. did first two fights in VoG never any farther. would love to see some content.
Edited by beeshaa: 6/7/2015 2:48:08 PMI've completed one, willing to help out people. Only done vog though Est time zone Lv 32 warlock Online weekends