You're under the impression that all the battles faced against Thorn are going to be 1v1 firefights. Sure, I can wreck a single thorn with my messenger or red death, but what I can't do is take on an entire team of 3 or 6 that are all running the damn thing. Each person gets a hit and you die. 1 gets a body shot, 1 gets a headshot, one hits you with a single round from an auto rifle, dead. 1 hit with thorn and a melee? Dead. The overwhelming problem with Thorn in its current state is that EVERYONE is using it because it is TOO POWERFUL. I can assure you from playing trials earlier that 70-80% of my opponents were using Thorn. Same with Iron Banner, same with Crucible. Bungie nerfed the Suros awhile back because too many people were using it and they wanted people to broaden their horizons on PvP weapon choices, but now when for months, almost EVERYONE uses thorn, they sit back and do nothing to a gun that can kill 50% faster and with less skill/effort.
If 3 people are shooting you you're gonna die no matter what weapon they're using.
3 vex beat 3 thorns though...
Shhhhh. You'll shatter the illusion for them.
Edited by Lost Sols: 6/7/2015 4:53:09 AMAnd how would you fare against 6 Red Death? [spoiler]Btw, not everyone is using it.[/spoiler]
Not everyone, but roughly 70-80% of people IVE played against have been using it. Call me unlucky but that's what I've seen, teams built around Thorn. Against 3 or 6 red death the big difference would be that if I escaped the fight or killed at least 1 person, I wouldn't burn to death shortly thereafter. It's a big difference in this game.
I don't see more that 2 a match at most. Usually just one.
Your lucky then played iron banner last night I was the only person not using the thorn in back to back games lol
It's not that it's powerful. It's the illusion of power it creates.
Edited by SaleenSR: 6/7/2015 9:57:22 AMThe power is real. Long before all this moaning I finally nutted up and did the thorn bounty. Went hella positive first round after getting it... No perks, just naked gun.
No, it's definitely that it's that powerful. 2 hits is almost always a death sentence. If you don't die you're a hairs breadth away from death. It's just unfair as a primary weapon. Thorn should have been a secondary.
If you think getting Suros kills back in the day were harder to then Thorn now, then you should see a specialist... Holding a trigger and sloppily aiming toward a player is not even close to getting kills with HCs or Thorn.
What are you going for here? I never said anything in regards to what I thought about Suros. I said that they nerfed it because they didn't want everyone using it, now everyone is using the Thorn, so where's the nerf?