Cobalt's one of my men. My jets aided you against the tyrannids. I'm sure Cobalt introduced me. Name's Blackjack, I'm one of Venom Incorporated's head officers. I'd like to speak to your COs if at all possible, strike up a contract.
Well the Commander is aboard the Alamo, we can send you up in a transport. I'm sure you understand. It's our only fully functional Battleship until the others are repaired so we aren't letting non-federation ships aboard. I apologize for the inconvenience. Whenever you're ready just let me know I'll have a pilot take you up.
*I step forward and pull my cloak down from my head.* Not a problem. I'm ready whenever your transport is.
Roger that,one moment. *calls a ship down on the datapad and soon it arrives and we all board...soon we land aboard the Alamo and are greeted by the commander.* (Me) "Hello, my men tell me I have you to thank for supporting us in Norway. I'm great full for that. I was on another part of the planet at the time so thank you for aiding us in our time of need."
Sigma's a friend from Valmeridia. I've got one of my fleets stationed there to handle defense for their territory. I've noticed your little operation and decided it was a worthwhile gambit. I'm looking to devise a contract with you. Company I'm with is Venom Incorporated, billion dollar armaments business and PMC. We provide full-scale in-orbit combat capabilities for sea, sky, and land. I was wondering if you would be interested in me contracting soldiers and weaponry out to you to aid in your goals here.
It's definitely worth it. I will accept this offer but when it comes to reclaiming earth itself. That you will leave to us alone.
Edited by Trashcan Jesus: 6/7/2015 4:23:23 AMAh, a personal goal. Yes, let me dig up the contract. *pulls a neatly rolled up piece of paper from a bandolier pocket and lays it on the table. It reads: [b]Terms of Service, Venom Incorporated Private Military Contracting[/b] With the signature of this contract, the employer agrees to said terms of service: 1. Venom Incorporated soldiers and equipment are not to be used against any of Venom Incorporated's allies as specified by commanding officers. 2. Final say over the actions of all Venom Incorporated's personnel will fall to any of the head officials of the company, including Cody Wolfe, Edward Schrader, Ashe Wilson, and David Torrez. 3. Full details of combat assignments and specifics regarding possible mission hazards will be stated to commanding officers prior to undergoing the mission. 4. Commanding officers Cody Wolfe, Edward Schrader, Ashe Wilson, and David Torrez can reject any assignment they choose, regardless of the employer's input. 5. Venom Incorporated holds all rights to its technology and equipment and such equipment is not to be researched or looked into unless allowed by the heads of the company. 6. Venom Incorporated reserves the right ti terminate contracts as it sees fit. 7. Venom Incorporated will be given compensation up front prior to combat assignments. 8. Contracting Venom Incorporated gives the company access to the employer's safe-houses/bases, but the employer may choose whether or not to allow Venom Incorporated forces to have access to militarized computer systems. 9. Venom Incorporated officials are to be informed of the employer's military/combat actions as they unfold. 10. The company's heads may issue clauses not specifically outlined in this contract, and they are to be heeded as if they are part of the contract. Signature:
Before I sign this I need to know of the types of compensation your men will require.
Cash. All money, paid per month.
Alright then. *signs the contract.* its official
*rolls contract back up and slides it into bandolier pocket* Fantastic.
*extends my hand toward yours.* a pleasure doing business with you. Is there anything you or your personnel need?
*shakes hand back* Just intel on the AO.
Well I only have one AO, there is an enemy of the federation. He betrayed us and allied himself with "the flood" his name is Johnny, he's threatened to invade with a huge force after we wiped out his FOB and right now I do not have the forces necessary to hunt him down. If your men can do that for me then we will pay you handsomely.
Understood. I'll be on that soon, after a bit of recon.
Thank you.