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Edited by Roboknees16: 6/7/2015 3:26:19 PM
What makes you the expert on PvP? 1 of 2 Titans has a majority of your time in PvP and virtually no trials experience. You also only have a k/d 1.34 so going positive 2 or 3. Sounds like your still dying a lot. Why are you right? You obviously don't have as much experience as other players but think your smart following the rest of the sheep in the polls. Have you truly tested this weapon? Yes it can be beat sometimes but that doesn't mean it isn't OP.

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  • 1.34 is a good K/D in this bullshit PVP setup of a game

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  • Slightly above average. PvP is fine until iron banner shows up and then it is a lag fest. In between iron banners it is normally ok.

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  • I love how much you discriminate in one post. Just because someone spends time on one or two characters doesn't mean that they are not knowledgeable on some aspect of the game. The trials part is what really sent me over the edge on your post though. Most of the people who play trials, are people who think they can run fireteams and forums that are exclusive and you have to be some perfect idea of what a gamer should be. Let me tell you sir/ma'am that we come in all shapes and sizes, races, sex, and religion, and you have to pick someone who is a white male who will sit there and discriminate about others. I feel you had no right to post what you did in a well written and thought out post on why people flip out when they can't have fun with a game. You sir/ma'am are what I like to call a racist and feel that there is a special place for you somewhere that I wish not to mention at the time. [spoiler]that special place is hell[/spoiler]

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  • Edited by Roboknees16: 6/8/2015 1:10:08 PM
    Sorry to disappoint but I am not a racist and I have never used fireteams. I play with my friends and yes we struggle through trials sometimes. Not because we are facing better teams but because we face 3 players all using thorn. Which is an OP gun! It hits almost has hard as a sniper from the same distance. It's a 2 headshot, 3 body shot from any distance. That's not op for a hand canon? Ok not only does it hit that hard but it's DOT perk hurts the same at long range? Really?? That's fair. I find great challenge and satisfaction in beating good players. That being said I am not ever fighting the players actually skill I am fighting against the strongest gun in the game. Apparently people don't handle criticism well when it strikes home. I guess the truth hurts when you hear it.

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  • Ok maybe I didn't select the right term. Would it be better if I said your discriminatory against others? I would say that you cannot deny this because the evidence is in your first post. What you responded would be something to say in regards to lost sols on the matter of thorn being op. Granted I do not own a thorn and have played the crucible a lot in my terms but I do not feel that it is overpowered. Yes people use it a lot but that doesn't mean that its op. I don't hear people crying shotguns are op or that my scout rifle is op because I kill you in 4-5 shots. I would say that if I was bungie looking at this debating whether or not to nerf thorn I would have to say no because lost sols provides evidence to his arguement whereas everyone else is crying wolf.

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  • Edited by Roboknees16: 6/8/2015 1:29:45 PM
    Evidence? Really how about you show me the evidence? I am criticizing a post that provides no evidence only speculation. Ok your scout kills in 4-5 in that time a player with thorn has killed you twice! Not once but twice. From scout rifle range I might add. So you tell me where is the damage falloff? Why should a close-mid range gun hit like a truck at long range? Have you even read the forums? People have been pitching a fit over shotguns for the last several months. I may be a bit discriminatory because he obviously hasnt played a competitive mode. ToO wait he did and got stomped out with 3 loses. If you have played trials then you would know that almost everyone runs thorn. Why? Cause if they want to win that is the gun to use. Why is that? Cause it is OP as hell. It has the range of a sniper and is still a 2-3 hit kill with a burn. So now imagine running trials against 3 of them. Or even regular crucible you come up against a team with thorn. I'm sure you come up against them more than either of you will admit. I have seen thorn take bad and average players and make them good. Sometimes it is just the gun. Just wait until you get it and you will finally understand if you get it before a nerf. Cause a nerf will come for the Thorn.

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  • ok, I admit that I didn't quite use the right word as evidence is an understatement. What Lost Sols actually does is provide relatable instances that everyone can relate to. Its more satisfactory to kill a person who has a thorn than to cry when you die from it. Everyone has had that instance before with whatever weapon it was. To your comment that this is a weapon with scout rifle range and sniper damage, I don't deny that but that doesn't mean that they get the kill. I admit the thing I die from most is a hand cannon but is it always a thorn, no. The fact that you are upset that everyone is using it in trials is a remark that I will not go to in depth into because I refuse to pay money to have to find friends to play a game, but the fact is that trials is incredibly competitive, you send a major nerf at the thorn and you will find people will just find another weapon that is just as powerful. A month later after a thorn nerf and everyone will be crying for a new nerf. I'm not saying that a nerf isn't going to happen, I just think that it needs to be fixed slightly. A major overall rebuild of the thorn would lead everyone back to square one. This is what people who ,like me that sit on the sideline and watch, call the rebuild rotation. This never ends as the moment you nerf one gun it goes to the next best weapon to nerf. These large nerfs end up to restart the rotation and then if the game goes on long enough then the thorn is back on top. Instead of sitting around responding to me telling me that I am wrong (which sometimes I admit to being as I did here) I encourage you to spend your time thinking about how to beat the thorn, tactics to fight against it (other than camping), and thinking what weapon you would like to nerf next after you get your large nerf on the thorn.

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  • I like the calm head you brought to the discussion this time. I do not necessarily believe a nerf is needed but all the exotic hand cannons need to be "fixed." It's funny you still think I camp though. I have the tactics that's not the problem. I see your reasoning for avoiding trials. But for people like me who enjoy it, it is very anti-competitive to pay when thorn is on the table. If no nerf then a ban from use in trials.

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  • Appreciate that. :) Want to know something funny? They're knocking k/d's but their highest kill weapon is a sniper rifle with 3500 followed by machine guns at 1300. Shotguns is 3rd at 1000. Basically they hide and snipe until heavy ammo comes out and hide with a shotty if someone attacks. Kinda lends itself to dying less lol.

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  • Edited by Roboknees16: 6/8/2015 1:24:31 PM
    Congratulations on being the worlds biggest idiot. You looked at the stats of one character. My Titan so good job. If you had looked any farther like a smart person would do before making a stupid post is to look at recent games and see what weapon they like to use. Mine being NLB. Yes I like my primary sniper because people like yourself can't use it and then send very encouraging hate messages when they die. Let's look at your Titan shall we? Most kills grenade 1590, next super 1460, auto rifle 1425 and rocket launcher 1222. So wait you have more super kills than gun kills? That fist of panic must come in handy. It's funny you say I wait by heavy when it seems like every game that is where most of your kills come from. Yea I actually looked a lot of games your leading kill weapon was the ghorn.

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  • Your Hunter has 11000 sniper kills followed by shotgun with 8000. Your first actual primary? Hand Cannons with 650. I have zero issue with your play style, because it works for you... Until you want to talk shit about k/d because no shit you're going to have a high k/d camping and sniping all game.

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  • Not a problem. I just really hate people who feel that way about someone just because their different. Anyway most people who use snipers can't handle the fact that it's a game made by activision where you actually can't camp. They try to use tactics that work and then they die by one guy who figures out the tactic and they cry wolf. Fortunatly anyone whose been known to cry wolf doesn't get heard if something actually isn't right. That's a good step in bungie's competative multiplayer.

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  • So I will answer all of you at once. First 1.34 is slightly above average so congrats. I am not a racist. I was merely pointing out the facts that the entire thread seems to have overlooked. Which obviously worked cause the band wagoners jumped in the save him. You are giving an opinion with a fairly limited basis of PvP. That's why I merely posed a question why were you right and others are wrong? Honestly none of the points you made were even close to what actually happens. It's funny how angry you all get when myself and platypus called you out on this bs. If you really checked out my characters you would have seen that sniper rifle was No Land Beyond! I have over 15000 kills with arguably the worst gun in the game. So yea I think I have a right. Players flock to the weapon that kills the fastest and is the easiest which is by far Thorn. It isn't even that hard to get takes a .4 kd to get. So every one who plays has a chance to earn it.

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  • Oh look someone thinks they're a special flower. It's a positive post trying to get people to stfu about all the nerf bullshit and just play and have fun. So your k/d is a little higher. Doesn't mean sh*t. I do just fine and I use CH, Plug One and Abyss Defiant. Show me the Thorn users going 20 -0 every match. Show me the Thorn users with 3, 4, 5+ k/d's each game. You can't because they don't. So talk all the sh*t you want, at least I'm not on here peeing and crapping my pants over a stupid hand cannon like you babies lol. [spoiler]Balls. Find some.[/spoiler]

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  • Edited by platypus7: 6/8/2015 3:59:45 AM
    Dude stfu, Get some balls? You haven't responded to even one of my posts... Grow a set you PVE fairy. You probably wear a costume while playing this game while reciting excerpts from the "lore". You wiener. You only care about PVE in terms of gun balance. Just admit it. This means your opinion on this matter is [b]moot[/b]. Plain and simple. Do us all a favour and stop riling up the PVE kids with your "observations".

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  • Oh look, King Stupid arrived. I don't think I've ever seen you post in a Thread where you weren't talking mad shit. Sorry you're scared of big mean Thorn. Maybe mommy can play your PvP for you.

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  • Who's mad? All I see is you becoming less articulate and more emotional the more you are being out debated. Admittedly, I write passionately, but informatively. Now, you are just spewing a bunch volatile bullshit because [i]you know[/i] your platform is growing weaker and weaker. You are ill-informed, biased and 100% clueless in this regard. Your only supporters are the PVE sheep that play this game. And only because you can type in full sentences and bring some coherence to their incoherent existence. Once again, you post pure conjecture, using no proof and citing only from your personal experience. Well guess what? I have [b]way[/b] more experience than you in the crucible. [b]And[/b] I'm way better than you at PVP. [b]And[/b] I also don't use Thorn... Ever. [b]And[/b] I've linked [i]peer reviewed[/i] articles to support my point. If you are as classically educated as you sound, than you should [b]KNOW[/b] peer reviewed proof is the basis of any compelling argument. Yet you just keep getting angry while citing your inferior experience. One more time... In case you "missed" it. Learn something you tool.

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  • Never said they don't die but a half decent player can get a 3+ kd easy with thorn

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  • FFS man your strawman game is on point. Thorn doesn't enable players to become Crucible gods. It enables them to do better than they would with any other weapon. Thus, it's imba.

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