originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
*the energy si spreeaded away from the shield*
[spoiler]the is ddesigned against bullets . laser. electiricty and palsma. its designed to allow me to clsoe in on gun type characters. so melee is more effective.[/spoiler]
*as the palsma goes off i grabs your face iwth my hand*
*darkness fire begins burning you on the are i am holding*
You only attacked one of my holograms, *back stabs you with electric blade, damaging you directly (only a little)and depleting your shield greatly*
*the hsields is not electric its eridium pwoered so electircity isnt that effective the meele attack does tho* *quickly swings his arm throwing you into a wall* well ill have to keep trakc of th ereal you.. *the left eye glows red with a flame, he is now trakcign your aura there is no way to hid e form his sight*
*ascends armor* [i]so that means this must hurt a lot [/i] *shoots you with 120mm cannon*
FUUC. *the shield breaks as he is moved 10 meters back* -blam!- no shields.a mehc..... Can you wait for my mechsto drop by? or do i have to use a tranfromation?
[spoiler]your'e far enough away, let's just say you summon it while I,[/spoiler] *fires up warp cores, and summons upgraded plasma thrower*
*as the palsma thrower is formed i rocket charge and impales your mech wiht my mehc Auto cannon bayonet chainsaw*
Edited by Stratos: 6/7/2015 7:42:04 PMHologram! *my warp cores fire and I smash into your previous position, but since you charged me i smash into nothing but air* *i whip around to face you*
remember i am still tracking your aura *theback batteirs opens and fire rockets as i turna round to fire*
[spoiler]point is I warped away tho[/spoiler] *Warps in behind of rocket barrage and sprays the mech with plasma* ( which melts metal to a certain extent, at least making it squishy)
*the front hard lgiht shield blockign off the palsma* *fires the mahcinegun btu the bullets sticka nd beign drilling intot he mech*
*Abandons armor suit, uses the remainder of the energy core to power my abilities and turn the armor into hydrogen gas which reacts violently with the air and burns thru your mech too, leaving us both back on foot*
*a chain wraps youa raoudn an pulls you* *a take the momentum and grab yor head to smasck it agianst the ground*
My cape flares out while I fall, the impossibly sharp (and electrified!) shards of metal pass between the atoms of your shield and slash you. I use the residual energy from our burning mechs to Turn the chain into water. I get up, my back facing towards you*
*looks at the scratch on the armor* ouch.... *lepas and pcunehs you then grbas you with one arm* VOID SCORCHER! *uses darkness flames to burn yoru face*
*the ridiculously small scratch is actually a cut straight thru the armor and blood starts to seep from the 1 inch deep cut in your abdomen* [i]Aaaaaaargh....(gurgle)[/i] (Near death) *I feebly spray shotgun shells behind me trying to shoot your arm*
[spoiler]the armor is 2 inches deepo. reinforce keblar paltes and grafenum[/spoiler] *a mask quickly pacles itself on in face* *the hard lgith construct rchotes the pelles as i palce the second hand* *focuses mroe darkness flames * thats engouht *throws you away and takes a rbeath* you done or wanna continue?
Edited by Stratos: 6/7/2015 8:38:54 PM[spoiler]Kevlar protects against bullets by dispersing the energy, not by being unbreakable, a second shot to a Kevlar vest would go right through it if it was close enough to the first impact point. A knife would go straight through it. And I think you were trying to spell graphine, but that stuff is strong [i]in relation[/i], just like spider silk, it's stronger than steel but in reality a strand of silk, (like a layer of graphine) is weak. and like the attack goes through the armor and an inch into your flesh so it still connects. Also none of those pellets hit you? I mean like I get the over shield thing but physics still exist and you should be at least knocked back an little, like enough for me to escape[/spoiler] [i]you...win...[/i] *fades away through the fabric of time to recover*
[spoiler]oh thanks for hte info. and while a shtogun blast is strong. you blaste dat the arm which had the hard light guanlets. which blocked the pellets. a puls blast would have psuhed the ar away howeever*[/spoiler]
Ceramic plates however, those are truly bullet proof and knife proof.
carbonitium also