(Long list incoming) -[b]A new element type[/b]. Since everyone has come up with the "Every class is missing Void/Solar/Arc" theory, once they add those they can't keep those same classes forever. I don't have really any ideas on what they could be personally. -[b]Tower Activities[/b]. I want to be able to do something in the tower to just chill with my friends. Obvious things include Sparrow Races, a gun range, or a custom mini game like gambling or something. -[b]STORY[/b]. I really enjoy reading up on grimoire on the app but I mean come on. I know Bungie can make a great story and I want to see them do that. IN THE GAME! -[b]Content[/b]. While I have hundreds of hours in this game, it's mostly spent doing mindless activities such as bounties or daily story missions. I don't like that you can complete all the game's content available to you in literally two days. There's crucible but that gets boring for everyone eventually. I guess what I want is more activities that don't depend on the weekly reset.