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originally posted in: A New Home RP Reborn [open]
6/7/2015 11:54:49 PM
"well something is creating this signature. we're going to take a closer look, our radios may not work under all that rock." *the vehicles pull up to the large pyramid. the massive structure towers over the explorers, no cracks visible in the smooth, tan stone. once the engines shut down all noise vanished as if the team was in a room made of foam.* "alright I want a team of five outside the structure, the rest of you grab your gear and follow me." *ten explorers pick up their backpacks, a few of them check their sidearms for ammo and chamber a single round. steak does the same. the other five explorers set up seismographic equipment as well as equipment to read gas signatures, weather patterns and a short range radio to communicate with the other team. the team of ten head to the entrance of the cave, flashlights in hand, and file into the dark hole.* *over comms* "command, we're entering the structure..."

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