Too bad Titans are the worst class BY FAR, bubble is useless in 75% of scenarios and the striker is only used in control. Their jumps are the worst too.
Funny my titans stats shit on ur hunter's and i run defender.
1) Titans > Hunter 2) STL > Chicago Your grimiore makes you look like a christmas noob casual. Git gud
Too bad the Blues suck, grimoire means nothing except you can find ghosts
Yeah blues do suck
*Looks at Warlock Glide*
Lol get gud level 33 hunter noob
Funny, I main Defender in PvE AAAAND PvP...and my k/d is a 1.8? Yet you say Bubble is useless??? It's saved my ass and fellow team members many of times. I hope you're just trolling.
How about trials ... I don't think the Titan is the tank bungie is saying they are...
Trials? What about it? I still use my Bubble and it works fine for me when I need it :)
BAM BAM..BAM! Golden gun triumphs bubbles all day, just two shots to take down the bubble and one left. A nova bomb can obliterate the bubble and everyone in there, blade dancer can walk right through.
You're right it about it being fragile to other supers, I'll give you that, but I'm usually gone trying to find a better engagement spot before that happens.
Wrong! ALL OF IT