[quote]4 short hairy guys and a grey wizard (later turned white) fight against a couple of shrek Wanna be's, Count Dooku with magic and a long stiff tower with a deadly gaze all in attempt to get a ring to some wedding for some guy named Mordor but that guy from Game of Thrones says [i]One does not simply walk into him[/i] So the 4 short hairy guys and the grey wizard go through a bunch of needlessly battles even loosing that guy from Game of Thrones along the way. They could have just used the Eagles bro.
Oh and did I mention [b]precious[/b] makes an appearance?[/quote]
This is one of the funniest things ive read in a while. Im having a pretty shitty day too so I needed the laugh
No problem man :P
The last part about precious -blam!-ing killed me
And to think I was debating rather or not to add it in lol
Well good call my friend, good call.