Can you please revisit the looting system in Destiny, while it is meant to be Random I believe it is not.
I have personally been playing since Beta and have not had a Gjallahorn drop, also when farming for keys I have not received a single key from the treasure chest, also when killing the blades of Crota I have not had a Husk of the Pit drop.
Others I play with are having these drop over and over again, and it appears that once you have had it drop once you are more likely to get it to drop again.
Please fix this.
Also if you want to make a gun truly earn-able make it as a bounty otherwise please add guns you have removed from xur back into his list E.G. the gjallahorn, grinding until you are lucky enough for it t drop is not earning it, completing a series of tasks is.
Also having the existing bounties dependent on Crucibles, is not fair for those that are not good at PvP, it simply gives those good at Crucibles and increased advantage by unlocking those guns such as the thorn, and it is making the Trials of Osiris unplayable.
I got my gjallarhorn from the 5th easy VoG I did , don't be jealous my friend has 5