Latenitepeach here looking for a group to run pvp trials! I am good. In comparison to the word decent I'm above that but not a carrier. Looking for a team on the same level to successfully play trials. No flawless needed but it would be nice.
PvP Clan Recruiting Xbox One FireBorn D3vils We are a new pvp clan and will be very selective bout our members. We are looking for talented pvp players who are wanting to be part of an elite, small and active clan. Who plays together weekly. Every member will be interviewed. We want good players/people who are wanting to improve and help each other. We builing a clan which can be tournament ready and have outstanding team work. A non toxic environment where you can better yourself, have fun and win! The clan is very active over weekends, for example Friday & Saturday 4pm GMT till late and Sundays all day. We do play during the week also, around work and family. We do not care what nationality you are but being online at similar times is what we look at first. -16 members only -You need to be 17+ yrs and mature -1,4 kd+ overall. -Required to use clan tag. This is not a pvp LFG clan -Inactive members without good reason will be kicked and their slot filled.
#Recruitment. Change from #Bungie to #Recruitment.
Hey me too. Check out my stats, and add me. Those are "i"s on my PSN.
On what console?