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6/8/2015 11:33:04 AM
Ok maybe I didn't select the right term. Would it be better if I said your discriminatory against others? I would say that you cannot deny this because the evidence is in your first post. What you responded would be something to say in regards to lost sols on the matter of thorn being op. Granted I do not own a thorn and have played the crucible a lot in my terms but I do not feel that it is overpowered. Yes people use it a lot but that doesn't mean that its op. I don't hear people crying shotguns are op or that my scout rifle is op because I kill you in 4-5 shots. I would say that if I was bungie looking at this debating whether or not to nerf thorn I would have to say no because lost sols provides evidence to his arguement whereas everyone else is crying wolf.

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  • Edited by Roboknees16: 6/8/2015 1:29:45 PM
    Evidence? Really how about you show me the evidence? I am criticizing a post that provides no evidence only speculation. Ok your scout kills in 4-5 in that time a player with thorn has killed you twice! Not once but twice. From scout rifle range I might add. So you tell me where is the damage falloff? Why should a close-mid range gun hit like a truck at long range? Have you even read the forums? People have been pitching a fit over shotguns for the last several months. I may be a bit discriminatory because he obviously hasnt played a competitive mode. ToO wait he did and got stomped out with 3 loses. If you have played trials then you would know that almost everyone runs thorn. Why? Cause if they want to win that is the gun to use. Why is that? Cause it is OP as hell. It has the range of a sniper and is still a 2-3 hit kill with a burn. So now imagine running trials against 3 of them. Or even regular crucible you come up against a team with thorn. I'm sure you come up against them more than either of you will admit. I have seen thorn take bad and average players and make them good. Sometimes it is just the gun. Just wait until you get it and you will finally understand if you get it before a nerf. Cause a nerf will come for the Thorn.

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  • ok, I admit that I didn't quite use the right word as evidence is an understatement. What Lost Sols actually does is provide relatable instances that everyone can relate to. Its more satisfactory to kill a person who has a thorn than to cry when you die from it. Everyone has had that instance before with whatever weapon it was. To your comment that this is a weapon with scout rifle range and sniper damage, I don't deny that but that doesn't mean that they get the kill. I admit the thing I die from most is a hand cannon but is it always a thorn, no. The fact that you are upset that everyone is using it in trials is a remark that I will not go to in depth into because I refuse to pay money to have to find friends to play a game, but the fact is that trials is incredibly competitive, you send a major nerf at the thorn and you will find people will just find another weapon that is just as powerful. A month later after a thorn nerf and everyone will be crying for a new nerf. I'm not saying that a nerf isn't going to happen, I just think that it needs to be fixed slightly. A major overall rebuild of the thorn would lead everyone back to square one. This is what people who ,like me that sit on the sideline and watch, call the rebuild rotation. This never ends as the moment you nerf one gun it goes to the next best weapon to nerf. These large nerfs end up to restart the rotation and then if the game goes on long enough then the thorn is back on top. Instead of sitting around responding to me telling me that I am wrong (which sometimes I admit to being as I did here) I encourage you to spend your time thinking about how to beat the thorn, tactics to fight against it (other than camping), and thinking what weapon you would like to nerf next after you get your large nerf on the thorn.

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  • I like the calm head you brought to the discussion this time. I do not necessarily believe a nerf is needed but all the exotic hand cannons need to be "fixed." It's funny you still think I camp though. I have the tactics that's not the problem. I see your reasoning for avoiding trials. But for people like me who enjoy it, it is very anti-competitive to pay when thorn is on the table. If no nerf then a ban from use in trials.

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