This is a problem that I believe needs more of a solution than just PSN/LIVE moderation. Harassment messages that you receive from an online match. These are typically outside of Bungie's control, understandably. However using we should be able to go to the player's profile, report them and require a screenshot of the harassment messages to report to Bungie.
While this might be hard to enforce with bans and other traditional methods, a short term creative solutions should be in order.
For example:
1. If a player is reported with screenshots of the harassment messages by 5 or more people in a 2 week period, then they are on the harassment list, with a message being sent to them via or the app
2. If the player continues, their emblem is forced to be that of a white box that reads, something like "I AM A BULLY"
3. Further reports will have them blocked from joining private party activities, like Trials, Crucible, Prison of Elders, or Raids
I wasn't insulted by the message I receive, nor do I give any weight to them on a personal level. Its the fact that I don't want this community to be the next Call of Duty. When I get threats like "I am going to hack you and make your life a living hell"... yeah sure they are gonna to hack me (sarcasm), but what if they do that to some one who isn't as cynical or as well versed in the ways of the web? It might scare them off of this game.
I know that Bungie has little power in this situation, but PSN and Xbox LIVE seem to do an all or nothing approach to online harassment. Which works in games like Call of Duty were you aren't very likely to see the player as more than just a name, but in a pseudo-mmo like Destiny where the community aspect is strong clever punishments are more effective. Like forced to to wear an emblem of shame, might work with out removing the player. Allow Bungie to reform the community instead of remove the community.
Just thoughts.
Ummm isn't that why both platforms have reporting systems? Roport, block and continue