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originally posted in: A New Home RP Reborn [open]
6/8/2015 5:45:31 PM
"we shouldn't keep going like this, we should turn back and figure out what's wrong with these lights and come back. I don't want to get stuck down here." *the rest of the explorers agree to turn back and all turn on their heels. to everyone's surprise the passage they followed down had changed, instead of a narrow hallway the hall way split into a "T". some of the people started to panic, the last light started to flicker and the explorers exploded into confusion, some started fighting, others ran and others sat down and started to whimper. steak didn't know if it was the temple making his crew go mad or he just over estimated them. he tried calming them down but nothing worked, soon he was standing alone in the dark with only two others. steak stared at the floor for a moment and let his eyes adjust, then looked at his remaining companions.* "can I trust you two?" *neither of the men said a word, but simply nodded.* "alright, if you have flares we're going to need them. we use one at a time, there's no use in wasting three for the same amount of light. we stick together, I have a rope I'll use to tie us together. got it?" *they nod again and get to work, they count 20 flares then tie the rope around each persons waist. one flare bursts to life and one again fills the passage with light. the explorers finally continue down the passage way, they figured if they found the energy source they may find a way out.*

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