I don't care what you don't want to do.
You have to do what I say.
*beanstalk grows*
Start climbing.
Edited by Pillow Dropper: 6/8/2015 8:50:43 PM*climbs beanstalk and was met by a huge, badass giant* "if only a heron was nearby to save me"
*is behind you* Mm hmm sure. You can kill it.
But i cant
*Hands you a machine gun* [b]Do It[/b]
Edited by Pillow Dropper: 6/8/2015 9:27:48 PM*fires hundreds of bullets extremely inaccurately at giant until it dies* Yay
You could practice your aim. Come on. *starts walking up the path*
Edited by Pillow Dropper: 6/8/2015 10:27:56 PM*is walking up path but a giant chicken flew into view for no reason* Halp
It's fine. It won't hurt you. *pets chicken* This is my pet.
*chicken gives birth to john Cleese* Oh...
*backs up* Um......
*john Cleese starts performing a sketch* What do we do?
...........Talk....to him?? Shoot him? I dunno....I've never seen him before...here I mean.
We could join the sketch...
Ok....you can go first.....
*does entire film of life of brian*
*claps* Well done.....well done....
Time for the holy grail
I think we should keep going......No? No. Okay *sits waiting*
*is ready* Let's go
Oh good! *walks past chicken* bye bye Perry.
*perry squawks to us* Bye perry