So I was thinking the other night while playing, waiting from a titan to regenerate his bubble super before the boss encounter, wouldn't it be great if there was a way to speed this up. Not sure if it has been suggested before.
Answer? While using your dance animation (PvE only) it increases your super regeneration by 2x (or some appropriate multiplier).
This would mean that it isn't a passive buff and would remain very situational. I could see it generally being used after clearing an area, resulting in awesome dance parties with your team mates to celebrate your glory, or running away from enemies, regrouping as a dance crew, regenerating supers and going back in for the attack.
It's not like waiting to regenerate super's doesn't occur currently, this would just speed up the wait time and get you back into the action quicker. You wouldn't want the buff to flow over into PvP crucible as this would cause all kinds of trouble.
Looking pretty divided for the yes and no's
Was it in Crota's end by chance?