If someone addressed this already, I missed it, I've been off the forum for a few days...
The only ship I've seen drop in this Iron Banner was a single Birth of History. What happened to all the glorious Iron Banner ships? Did the third weapon drop replace the ships?
If so, can we maybe have the ships back next month? I still have several missing from my collection. The ships are part of what makes IB special, as far as I'm concerned. Or was it a simple glitch, to be repaired next patch?
Here's a thought- how about if Lord Saladin were to sell the Iron Banner ships, just as Variks sells blockade runners? (Side note- I need assistance getting my Titan to Rank 2 in the House of Judgement; I have like 5 Tokens of Flight sitting around waiting to spend, I just need to level up. And I want them ships!!)
DeeJ, what happened to the Iron Banner ship drops? Because otherwise, this has been a great tournament. I just wanted another ship or two!!
What third weapon drop?