Stormtrooper #52. That guy is easily [b]everyone's[/b] favorite, am I right?
Nah....I like #112 a bit better.....
But #52 had the better lines and acting...
Yeah but #112 had that awesome fighting scene...
True, but #52 was a lot funnier.
Yeah but #112 got to be in the same room as Mace windu [i]and[/i] Yoda.
#52 actually fired a shot that came somwhat [i]close[/i] to Luke though.
#112 joined the Sith. And is in the Force Awakens. Here's pic. [url][/url]
Ugh, I guess you're right... :P Still though, #52 is meh 2nd fav.
Who's ur 1 fav?