If you're up for it, add me on Xbox Live. Gamertag is Afronasty331.
As of right now, I am at school, so I'll start playing once I'm home.
I'll be on Destiny by 3:00 PM (CDT).
I have 2 level 34 warlocks and a hunter. Looking to do the nightfall on all my characters. I have maxed weapons and very experienced. Need experienced players to go through it quickly. Message SONICspeed808 for invite.
I have 2 level 34 warlocks and a hunter. Looking to do the nightfall on all my characters. I have maxed weapons and very experienced. Need experienced players to go through it quickly. Message SONICspeed808 for invite.
POE lvl 32 room for 1
Need 2 for nightfall GT:same
Looking for two for nightfall. Message for invite.