originally posted in:The Wolves of Skoll
Tell us about something awesome you did, a piece of gear you got, a cool glitch, or a sweet gun you got.
I'm part of Windows XP
Playing skirmish and my team leaves me (so it's 3 to 1) The score is really close. One warlock tries to nova bomb me to end it. I blink out the way and fire a shatter nova bomb and get all 3 of them and WIN THE MATCH
I "EARNED" my Truth! I did the Daily Heroic, got a legendary engram and it turned into Truth! I killed Skolas last night, no Gjallarhorn, no mic.
I can count to 100. [spoiler]WITH MY EYES CLOSED[/spoiler]
My team was down 4 to zero and went mlg we won 5 to 4
In trials me and my opponent were the last ones on the heavy round, we exchanged kills so it would be a tie but I self ressed and stole the point
I completed the thorn bounty solo when thorn was still trash
flawlessed toO
7 inches
Edited by DarkestConnor: 6/20/2015 2:55:07 PMMe and my team are up 2v1 in Trials, when they both get lagged out. I'm like alright whatever, I'll try this. I bring the game to 4v1, using my trusty Low Grade Humility and Thorn. They win the next two rounds and start bagging me, so naturally I have to crush them the next round. I run right to the long sniper lane on Patheon(with the giant block in the middle) and pull out my sniper, but see no one coming. I run into the middle, only to find they are camping back in there spawn area. I manage to snipe one as he's trying to get me and I rush in, swiftly taking out another. The last one hides behind a rock, but I am eventually able to get him. He self resurrects and I try my best to take him out, but I can't. I self-res and take him out, along with a buddy he was able to res. Best trials game ever for me. http://xboxclips.com/DarkestCMAN/6395dd0c-bc46-41f6-9890-e800016ab743 That's part of the final round.
Edited by ReactedTugBoat: 6/20/2015 3:26:32 PMI got a suros after one crucible match, then a hard light after the very next match.
Got a ghallahorn and a vex in the same drop:D
I had a kid ask me how to -blam!- bc I had a 7.8 kd a few weeks back
i went 8-1 in trials three times yesterday..
Went flawless for the first time last night. So many clutch wins.... Proud to have this emblem
I went unbroken in clash with nlb
Yesterday I was playing crucible with NLB and I see a gunslinger activate his GG in the air and I kill him with a head shot right after the 3rd person animation finished
I got a Fang of Ir Yut, Crux of Crota, and a Gjallahorn all from one run of hard mode Crota last week!
I once wrestled 3 bears with nothing but my right nipple.
I have two penises
I three manned Crota flawless. Also I have lord of wolves
I touched the queens left boob
Ive gotten a collat with the thorn
I'm a ginger and today I went to the beach with no sunscreen on....get on my level
I told Oryx of Crota's death.