originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
Well you're a dumbass bitch you're a dumbass man and I don't know you Athena
"Oooh, look, Zombie boy knows his vocabulary."
I'm not a zombie and which one is the list full one that humps everything in site
"Your mom?"
Edited by Guardian0611: 6/9/2015 11:42:25 PMAlso I thought there were 2 girls I only see athena, Abraham, and an ugly ad hell man
"Oh, I'm sorry, didn't know your dad came with us."
I don't know my dad so we got flat chest dick and athena
"Your point?"
That athena has a bigger chest thanos you and she's younger
"Your point? Some men like washboards." [b]Thanos growls at Abraham.[/b]
Yeah pedophiles you got to have something to work with
[spoiler]Okay, now you're just attacking me. Is there a reason you're such an ass?[/spoiler]
[spoiler]bro t i don't care wtf you do just don't bring that shit near me[/spoiler] [spoiler]I'm done now we cool?[/spoiler] You have to have something here [b]walks towards thanos[/b]
[b]She raises an eyebrow.[/b]
*puts Hand out*
[b]Stares at it.[/b]
*raises one toward athena*
[b]Stares at what's in the hand.[/b]
*nothing is in it he opens them* you don't even got Dat ass
"O...Kay..." (Is he crazy?) Abraham: (Extremely.)
Edited by Guardian0611: 6/10/2015 1:19:35 AMSo the size difference between you 2 is quite big. But she's a little girl *pokes Athena *
[b]They slowly back away.[/b] "...Yep, he's crazy."
[b]pokes again [/b]