[b]Walks over, tail flicking angrily [/b]
What's the matter
Ya know if you were to write a story with me in the lead role it would certainly be... A tragedy
"What does that have to do with anything?" [b]He sounds spiteful[/b]
It's this book I'm reading. Also, whats wrong
I know something's wrong now tell me
"It's nothing."
Why is this place hell.
"Someone like you wouldn't understand."
What do you mean someone like me [b]he sounds angry[/b]
"You're still a kid."
And you're not Oliver if I'm a kid why did I go through all this bull shit
"Try dying, you learn some shit."
"So feisty... Anyone can come back."
I'm not feisty
"Oh really? Sound pretty feisty to me."
You sound pissed
"Oh, you want pissed? I'll show you pissed!"
Heh kitty cat thinks he's a tiger
"I'm no tiger, but I could rip your limbs off with only my teeth."
And I could regenerate them
"Not if I'm doing it fast enough. You can only regenerate so much before you need food. And even then, you wouldnt be able to feed on me. My insides are fire. You would burn to death."