You've waited all week for this. You finally blocked off some time where your wife/girlfriend/mom doesn't have anything for you to do, you don't have to go to work, you've walked the dog and mowed your lawn. You're sitting there on your couch with the beverage of your choice, got your controller in hand, put on the head-set(*optional) and log in to Destiny to kill some aliens. Of course you want to try to do some kind of end game activity (Raids, PoE, Trials, Nightfall) to earn the extra cool loot that you have absolutely no other way to earn even if you played by yourself for 1000 hours. So what do you do? Join up with a team of course!
From the minute you sign on, how long on average would it take you to go from there to get into a full fire team in orbit ready to launch a game? (let's not include that pesky loading time)
Best case scenario, you have a coordinated team of friends that plays at the same time regularly. Less than optimal you use one of the many 3rd party sites that support an LFG function and meet up with functionally random groups of people. Or, when you become desperate, tired of lone-wolfing daily heroic missions, or trying beat the Dust Palace strike, *again*, you start randomly inviting people in the Tower. So, how long does it take [b][i]you[/i][/b] to get into your game?
Maybe it's just me.
Story of my life... Word for word... Takes me anywhere from 5 to 30 mins. There is no "average". That's why OPTIONAL matchmaking is NECESSARY!