Actually 'its' is correct in that situation you only use it's for possessive which is not what he used it for.
Other way around....
Edited by SSG ACM: 6/10/2015 3:37:51 PMActually, [i]its[/i] should always be stated [i]it is[/i] since its has never been considered a part of formal English. [i]It's[/i] is a contraction, just as [i]don't, you're, you'll, won't[/i], and [i]didn't[/i]. [i]It's[/i] is the contraction of [i]it[/i] and [i]is,[/i] when it is chosen to be used in informal English. Although in some cases, it is used accurately to describe the possessives of neutered objects or items in the same sentence once an antecedent has been established. Britton didn't have an antecedent; therefore, Britton used [i]its[/i] incorrectly. Yay for reading.