The trials of Osiris is an interesting game mode but needs changes to help extend the longevity of this game mode.
[i][u]Trials of Osiris changes:[/u][/i]
[i] - Level Advantages are disabled
- Skill based matchmaking (team vs team) as in your opponent would match your teams skill ranking.
- Limited time event
- Requires [b]Trials of Osiris Access Card[/b]
- [b]Elimination mode[/b] is permanent.
- [b]Trials of Osiris Access Card[/b] no longer costs [b]100 Glimmer[/b].
- Trials of Osiris Access Card must be purchased with a [b]Token of Worth[/b] which can be obtained by playing [b]Elimination mode[/b], a total of 5 can be obtained per character, per week, they can not be transferred between characters.
- Level 32+ as this is end game content and ensures the player has experience with the game mechanics and helps to prevent ghost players and ghost K/D.
(More can be added of people actually care about helping the game grow and develop.)
[i][u] What does this change primarily as an overall for the Player vs. Player experience?[/u][/i]
With Skill based matchmaking added to both the [b]Elimination Mode[/b] and the [b]Trials of Osiris[/b] you should now have a relatively mirrored experience between both game modes which should also help lower skilled players experience and share the content with similar skill ranking to yourself, this also means that ACE teams can combat each other to become true champions.
You naturally earn [b]Tokens of Worth[/b] while practicing within the [b]Elimination Mode[/b].
You exchange 1 token for 1 [b]Trials of Osiris Access Card[/b].
This card grants you access to the [b]Trials of Osiris[/b] game mode and once your card is finished, it must be returned and a new one purchased with a token.
This makes this game mode a value of deeper wealth and reason.
The [b]Elimination Mode[/b] should also drop Low Tier ToO gear ([b]WATCHER[/b]) and the emblem. Only watcher gear!
More changes can be made if enough people are interested.
This is an example:
You build a team and it's January 1st.
The trials of Osiris starts for this month on the January 21st.
You and your team practice in the Elimination Mode until then, while earning at a common drop rate, Tokens of Worth, so by the time the event for that month starts, you can have prepared in a relative game mode along with others who are ready to compete.
Making the Trials more competitive and with the skill based match making, fair and fun because while some people enjoy smashing first time players, that's not competition and it's not fair, I say fair as in fair sportsmanship.
Which always ensures players with a lower skill compete with equal competition, allowing their experience to be a positive one, increasing the chances of their return to this game mode, which with popularity comes many things such as developer resources to the competitive scene with possible custom games, ranks, more gear, etc.
The watcher gear should be in elimination or at least a different gear for people in that play list something that says, this is rewarding, let's play more and get ready to win champion for the trials.
Interesting as it is that Bungie even added a 9-0 reward is crazy as this creates a community division and they always seem to strive for pure synergy.
I talk from an experienced point of view.
Serious posts only thank you.
[spoiler]Updated Post to clarify feature.[/spoiler]
Keep level advantages on and yes:)