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originally posted in: Evolution is a fact, but...
6/10/2015 3:40:51 PM
You know what's unhealthy: Having multiple devices to help answer all your forum questions, when you're not belittling people, and having multiple accounts for that same net's forums.

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  • I've only got two accounts. That's it. I only have this app on my phone, and I literally never get on a computer unless I absolutely have to for work, that's it. You're just being butthurt now.

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  • Edited by SSG ACM: 6/11/2015 1:39:50 AM
    Two accounts is one too many. Why the heck would anyone ever need two? It isn't necessary when our daily notifications are enabled in our phones.

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  • I have two in case one gets banned. Obviously.

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  • You expect to be banned? I'm not surprised.

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  • Disagreeing with ninjas, and voicing honest opinions will get you banned if you don't care about political correctness.

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  • Political Correctness only shuts people up in favor of not being persecuted. If you're an advocate for the system and also against the Civil Ordinance of our Ninjas, you're a more dictatorial individual than I thought. *walks away real slowly*

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  • I despise political correctness. And yes I have a very "take charge" attitude.

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  • Edited by SSG ACM: 6/13/2015 5:50:22 PM
    *walks back* Take charge attitude? Dictatorial means "having or showing a tendency to tell people what to do in an autocratic way." Like the Pope.

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  • Edited by Britton: 6/11/2015 2:09:18 AM
    What do you think happens when you take charge of a situation? I'm saying I agree with you lol

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  • Edited by SSG ACM: 6/11/2015 2:33:32 AM
    [quote]What do you think happens when you take charge of a situation?[/quote]It depends on the situation and on who the individual is.[quote]I'm saying I agree with you lol[/quote]I feel as if I'm never going to be on equal ends with you when it comes to religion. Don't feel that I'm being hostile. It just feels as if it was always meant to be. Your history defines you, and your current state applies it. If it comes to agreeing with you on anything political or economic, our views may be the same or quite similar, but I disagree with how you present yourself with those that actually possess true religious views as I do. You need to fix your delivery and approach if you want any truly religious person to cooperate with you.[spoiler]I'm not Lol-ing.[/spoiler]

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  • I don't care if you don't like my delivery, or my approach.

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  • Edited by SSG ACM: 6/11/2015 3:31:34 AM
    The point is not for you to approve of what I think. My point is that you need to become all things to all people so that you may understand how to convince them.

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  • No I do not. I can only be one thing, myself. If you don't like me, I'm not going to change to appease you.

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  • Then how are you going to convince those who obviously disagree with you if you are unwilling to understand them?

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  • I can understand you without changing who I am.

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  • Edited by SSG ACM: 6/11/2015 4:11:32 AM
    The point is not for you to literally change your opinion or personality, but you need to understand you need to change your approach and delivery. You need to adapt to your surroundings in order to dominate or convince individuals without them knowing that you may completely disagree with their views. Everyone is different. Treating everyone the same as you are and with the same approach as you do will get you no where with specific individuals. You'll eventually be unconvincing toward that individual.[spoiler]Try to comprehend.[/spoiler]

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  • I get it, I just do not agree. Playing mind games and trying to be indirect and passively disagree, is to me, a cowardly way of handling an argument. If I disagree, I will tell you straight to your face, declare my reasoning and challenge you to rebut it. Aggressive? Yes. Can I come off as an asshole? Yes. Do I care? No.

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  • Then what's the point of argument if you don't intend to win?

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  • To inspire the other person to learn something.

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  • Edited by SSG ACM: 6/13/2015 5:52:48 PM
    [quote]Playing mind games and trying to be indirect and passively disagree, is to me, a cowardly way of handling an argument.[/quote]Actually, the tactic is very, very effective. It's obviously not necessary when you already have the individual in a cooperative state. I enjoy argument, but only to the extent of explaining how. Doing so, I have grown accustomed to almost any individual in my physical and digital life. To say that it is cowardly is to say that you are admittedly blind to these tactics, but I don't expect you to understand since you already parade around with your stiffen neck while at the same time stiffening or at least attempting to stiffen the necks of any other person who doesn't sync with your opinion.[quote]If I disagree, I will tell you straight to your face...[/quote]Doing so will automatically cause one to be offended and refuse to communicate with you, which happens often among Christians.[quote]...declare my reasoning and challenge you to rebut it.[/quote]What?[quote]Aggressive? Yes. Can I come off as an asshole? Yes. Do I care? No.[/quote]It's almost as if you want to act as an imbecile toward those individuals.

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  • What part of "I don't care if I offend you" don't you understand?

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  • The part that says "I don't care" makes you seem a little irrational.

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  • It's completely rational

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  • (1) Saying that it's rational (your acceptance of willingly pissing people off) with no obvious evidence is what makes your statement completely irrational; therefore, you have formed a bias opinion. (2) Furthermore, you stated, "I don't care," which shows to prove you're not aiming to convince individuals but rather only to annoy those specific people. Troll much?

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  • Edited by Britton: 6/11/2015 6:43:14 PM
    Its rational because emotions don't run the world, and we need to stop acting like they do. If something offends you, you need to figure out if that's even reasonable before I need to be concerned about it. Why do I need to care if something offends you? Why does anyone? Nobody owes you anything. Nobody is obligated to value your opinion, you must show that your opinion is valuable. This whole attitude of "let everyone live in their own dream land because the real world might be too much" is absurd. A persons emotions and thoughts on a matter, especially if they are offended or simply don't like something, have no implied value. The value is derived from what that opinion, thought, or feeling is, not merely its existence. I can aim to convince a person and still not care if that upsets them. You're incorrectly correlating things.

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