originally posted in:Collective Of Knowledge
I have to play Dark Souls to tell you destiny's storyline is a quick throw-together mashup?
You are an odd one.
No, to see if you can open your tiny brain for a second to look around instead expecting to be spoonfed a storyline
Plus 1
You are making the assumption that the story is intentionally hidden to be "artsy" When it just happens to be the laziest method of delivery. 1 person could have taken a week to write all of those stupid cards. Barely anything written in them is even in the game. It's like reading a halo fanfiction to defend the storyline of halo.
It was. The original writer of Destiny's story was a huge souls fan. The Achlyophage Symbiote is a tribute to Solaire and his run in with the Sunlight Maggot.
As is the Heart of Praxic Fire
Im not even talking about the cards, the stories in the gameplay, I could care less about the cards
So, gameplay story. What are the important characters in this gameplay story? What are you trying to accomplish? The characters are 100% lifeless. Zero interaction with them. At [b]most[/b] you bring them (insert quest item) so they can give you another mission. Does the speaker give you information? What makes you a guardian aside from the fact that you don't seem to be able to permanently die? (Neither do the enemies). At the end of the game, did you even make any kind of difference in the world? Nope. Patrolling the planets goes to show that your mission of pushing back the darkness has done nothing. The speaker says the same random crap when you check his vending machine that he did when you first got there. The gunsmith continues to sell garbage long after it became obsolete. It's like they took a game that had a story, and removed the story, and now you just have "game". If you think killing the "heart of darkness" meant you stopped the vex, or changed anything, you are mistaken.
Why are you even here?
Not a heart, just a fragment, plus you learn about characters through other characters, item descriptions, or by the very little the game offers you. This is w/o grimoire, taking the time to read even a few makes it all the better.
Its not about characters, Im talking about general lore, the character depth sucks, I'll agree.