I'm at wits end. Since HoW I've been getting KTO quite often. I've had a history of getting disconnected but never this bad. At this point, I can't stay in game for longer than 5-15 min without getting Ferret, Weasel, Baboon, Elk, Chicken, Beetle. I can't start a crucible match, I can't finish a Strike, and can barely finish a mission on Patrol before I'm enjoying the music in orbit. My PS4 is hardwired directly into my Modem (which I've restarted multiple times), set up a static IP for my PS4, and forwarded all the Destiny and PS4 recommended Ports. I'm not sure what else to try. Bungie, please help. At this point, I am unable to enjoy the game that I paid for.
Guardians, I've got an update for all of you. The problem I was experiencing was directly tied to the type of modem I was issued from TWC. After at least 5 or 6 (very polite on TWC's part) calls, they had a tech come out and check my line. After discussing with the tech, he mentioned that the particular modem I was issued had known connection issues with PS4's. I asked him to switch it out, and after going through a couple models, we finally found one that worked. My old modem was an ARRIS DG1670A. I'll have to circle back with the model name for my new modem. Either way, since I've been using the new modem, I have not experienced one disconnect or any bad lag. If you're experiencing a similar set of issues, I strongly suggest you have your ISP swap out your modem or go by target and pick up another model to try out yourself. Hope this helps! Z