*runs for the bacon*
*there isn't bacon*
Now thats cruel....
*bacon might be under the tablecloth*
hmmm. *the guanlet opens its would be mouth and bties the table as i lift it*
*there is... Bacon galore!*
*jumps over it to eat*
*Bacon is tasty*
*keeps eating by tons*
*bacon replenishes*
*keeps eating*
*one of the strips of bacon squeaks, as I walk up* Hey Sal, what are yo- ...
what? *is notiable that his teeth are more demonic like *
My... My experiments...
what are those. *looks at one*
*is a demon* hmm that explains the taste of soul..... *eats another one*
*frowns* Just because you are a half demon-lord doesn't mean you have to be so dark..
I am not been dark. SOusl taste liek beacon to me.... *stands up* sorry for that. i dont eat sousl tha toftne only so often to rehcarge my demon power. you knwo how that works
Yeah, I understand. *collects the remaining specimen* How's it been?
good id say.
That's good.
*Ruby Runs over, hungry as hell*