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6/11/2015 3:32:25 AM
It's not that I agree with Bungie's philosophy, but you people don't understand how bad optional matchmaking would be. Do you know that [i]no one[/i] users their mics in matchmade activities? Don't believe me? Go run strikes til you find someone using their mic or even better, go run PvP and find someone using their mic. Good luck. No one communicating will make endgame activities close to impossible and you'd spend more time wiping than you would have actually making the team. Another problem I see occurring is a underlevel trying to do a higher level activity. Your matchmade fireteam would be held back by said guardian and you potentially could be wiping because of it or end up doing much more work than you would have if you took the time to make your team. And what if someone isn't helpful or AFKing? How would I kick him? A "vote to kick" system? Okay well then we kick him, have to wait for someone to be matchmade in and hope he knows what he's doing. All this time you've just wasted could have been avoided had you took the time to make your team or join a team that you feel best suits you to win. Did anyone think of these things or are we all just chanting "We want match making!" Without a second thought? That what it appears to me. It appears that the short sightedness of the stupid people of this community has opted for optional matchmaking for endgame activities for the sake of simply [i]finding[/i] a team faster without a thought about [i]how[/i] the team operates. Optional matchmaking would cause more problems than it would solve and isn't the best choice of eliminating using a third party website. Sadly, no one will take this comment to heart. Everyone is so encased in the thought of optional matchmaking that they don't stop to see the problems with it. And then someone will miss the whole point of this comment and tell me "just don't use it, problem solved." And I will classify them as a homegrown idiot who will drag this game to the depths of hell.

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  • Edited by ill skillz: 7/13/2015 4:03:53 PM
    Optional match making? Would be fcking amazing. As IN OPTIONAL! tic box for mic Tic box for experience Tic box for location Away you go........ Why should people log off to find and LFG site to play with ransoms anyway? It should be included in game.

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  • In-game LFG for everything along with a Tutorial on how to use it. Matchmaking for night falls and 32 PoE. Problem solved.

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  • But how do YOU undetstand when you have never tried it? TBH everyones opinions are just geuessing with MM (especially optional) we might be wrong it mght not work but damnit at least I could then TRY.

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  • I can see your point for sure. There was a time the weekly heroic didn't have the matchmaking and it was directly because of the things you mentioned. The more difficult portions of the game are much easier with people with mics and the right weapons. For those that have mics and accustomed to playing with 'teams' or clan members, matchmaking for raids and such seems horrifying. First, let's state the obvious as it really is the most important argument FOR matchmaking. It is OPTIONAL. This means you don't have to use it. You can still have your team, all with mics and top weapons and complete your goals unhindered in any way from the pesky matchmakers who just might be underpowered, underskilled, micless casuals too lazy to look for a 'permanent team' or randoms from LFG. Let's say you are one of these lazy people who don't own the top gear and weapons. You don't have a mic for whatever reason that is your business alone. You go to the site and try to get people to help...gosh, you can't get someone in the little time you have because you don't have the right equipment? 'Ghorns Only!' Recurrent theme. So the unlucky ones not as blessed have what option? Sorry to hear about your social anxiety problems too. I must have jumped to the wrong conclusion as to why you weren't using a mic. Matchmaking is purely an option that shows no bias nor does it force someone/anyone to be locked out for any reason. It wouldn't hurt the game in any way and would actually provide more chances for more people to do things they've yet to be able to. Since launch, many friends I've played with near the start have moved on. Where once there were 20 or more at any given time, it has dwindled to sometimes 6 or less. I'll admit a few times using the matchmaking for weekly was frustrating. A couple times they weren't very good at all or didn't bother at all. Those instances are far more isolated than being the norm. With that said, there would be a lot of difficulty in completing 6 man raids especially if it was their first or first couple times going through. VOG was and still is the best example of how important having a mic is while in crota not as pertinent. Elders being a 3 man, small arenas and close proximity that mics aren't really a necessity (granted still preferred). Solution: matchmaking for nightfall and POE 34 and below and possibly even 35. There isn't a good argument against doing it really. Weekly heroic proved it to be a success. I can't agree with matchmaking for the raids though. They are coordinated efforts that do require mics (communication) to be successful at an acceptable rate.

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  • Edited by Here 4 the Memes: 6/20/2015 10:13:20 PM
    XcEvilGenius already touched on this but I think it would help focus on what I think is the most important point. Optional matchmaking is optional... If you're so afraid of all those horrors you just listed then don't use the matchmaking. You would be free to use LFG, clans, friendslist or whatever to put together your teams. I am willing to accept all of those possible problems you listed. And don't worry about me and other players.[b] Don't act like our father and say, "You will hate matchmaking because I hate it and you and I are exactly the same person."[/b] I agree that if some of us use matchmaking we will run into the problems you mention. But it would be my choice and that's all that we're asking for. I would rather use matchmaking for the chance to play content I paid for, and risk getting a bunch of idiots on my team, then to be locked out. Plus, a disclosure. I am one of those idiots that you hardcore players do not want on your team. I'm middling at best at the PvE on this game. I absolutely suck at PVP but I'm not that interested in Crucible anyway so it's not a problem for me. I don't have the Ghorn and whatever else gear is supposed to be the best. I have a Hardlight that I love but I've been told I should get rid of because it sucks. I don't care, I think it's a "fun" weapon and when I play a raid, strike or whatever I like to have fun. I will compromise and put on my Alpha Lupine chest when I'm with a team just so I can play medic (and so they can revive me faster), but sometimes I leave on my Armentirum just so I can have the extra grenades and lots of ammo. So my point is, do you think I should go on these LFG (I don't even know what that means) or third party sites and try to join a team? How do you think that will go? Would you want someone like me on your team? Or wouldn't it be better if there was some kind of optional matchmaking? Maybe Bungie could even make an option for people like me. Click a box with one of two options, "I came here to dominate and get gear" or "I want to have fun. Ohh, and my dog ate my mic." I would choose the second option and I bet many of you would be happy if me and the other casual players found our own playlists to play on. I'm begging Bungie to segregate me from those of you who take this game much more seriously then me. [i][Edit: I kind of garbabled my point here. This final paragraph is meant to show why someone like me doesn't want join a clan, a team, or beg to join someone's team. Because my priorities do not match the priorities of most of the people who join those groups. Sure, I want to try higher level PoE or a raid but I don't want to get bitched at because I don't have the right gear or my aim sucks. I am a casual player. Which, I'm sure some of you will then say that I don't deserve to play this game if I don't take it as seriously as you.][/i] I feel bad when I hold back people who are clearly better than me. And remember that all of this would be optional. The rest of you would not be required to use matchmaking. You could continue to build your teams and be a boss at this game.

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  • Edited by XcEvilGenius: 6/11/2015 4:18:49 AM
    i do understand what OPMM could do to the game. in fact many do. just ask them. of course there are many who would disagree as well. the point is not about who agree's or disagree's. the point of the Discussion(thread) is to point out the "Right Action" to take. however i will Endulge you. :) [quote]Do you know that no one users their mics in matchmade activities? Don't believe me? Go run strikes til you find someone using their mic or even better, go run PvP and find someone using their mic. Good luck. No one communicating will make endgame activities close to impossible and you'd spend more time wiping than you would have actually making the team. Another problem I see occurring is a underlevel trying to do a higher level activity. Your matchmade fireteam would be held back by said guardian and you potentially could be wiping because of it or end up doing much more work than you would have if you took the time to make your team. [/quote] i play MM all the time. your right i will not disagree people do not use there mics at all. it is not needed unless you want to make relationships with others in game to add to the quality of experience(or for raids and PoE Lv 35, Trails,), which many players obviously like to do, but what could the fellow Guardians do with current in game functions? i will tell you from experience. when i feel in the mood to chat i plug my mic in and start talking to them. one eventually(pretty quick) plugs in there mic and talks to. it is all about putting yourself out there. i do it many times. and everytime guardians start talking. it is not that difficult since the xbox one(aassuming PS4) comes with a headset. and if we added OPMM to all games modes it most certainly must have Settings such as Mic or No Mic Option. allowing you to pair with players with mic or no mic or both if you like. we can make it work. bungivision has the power to do so. you don't like OPMM even with settings? thats cool :D we could have multiple ways to form groups not just OPMM. we could also have an In-Game LFG way to form groups. many player have made threads spreading light to such ideas. just as there are many ways to look(faction gear), guns, armor, why should we not have multiple ways in game to form groups? especially when the game is formed around Game Play since the beginning? it does not add up. it makes no sense not to have those Options in game. it is a bad design. do you understand that? [quote]And what if someone isn't helpful or AFKing? How would I kick him? A "vote to kick" system? Okay well then we kick him, have to wait for someone to be matchmade in and hope he knows what he's doing. All this time you've just wasted could have been avoided had you took the time to make your team or join a team that you feel best suits you to win.[/quote] again if you are that unlucky player who gets many afk then its okay to use a LFG because you can it will still be an Option. reason being MM is OPTIONAL. meaning it is your choice, your free to choose. sounds lovely does it not?;freedom of choice? it could be even better if you could do that with an In-game LFG function added right? you would not have to leave the game at all :D who is not down for that? [quote]Sadly, no one will take this comment to heart. Everyone is so encased in the thought of optional matchmaking that they don't stop to see the problems with it. And then someone will miss the whole point of this comment and tell me "just don't use it, problem solved." And I will classify them as a homegrown idiot who will drag this game to the depths of hell[/quote] then talk to me. i will have a real discuss with you! why will it doom OPMM? if it is so horrible it won't get used right? because LFG sites will still be a thing(many do not like OPMM). that is cool. but why is it so bad to have more options for use to choose from? it is a choice after all. so tell your side bud :D

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