Okey calling all Muslims of all kinds radical Muslims , Christians of all kinds, and worshiper of God . Now is our greatest hour we are about to end the 10,000 year siege of the city of hell but however... We will needs more hard ware if we are to burst through the brimstone gates and occupy hell. Ofter hell falls badger town will be our next target but if we are to take out the nation of satan we would severely weaken the Allies of evil religions and then defeat them as a whole but the bursting of the brimstone gates that have held against many seiges just as the walls of constantnople have it will take a great army to take the city so here is the list of things we will need
1,000 covent corvettes
Ten badger bergades
The aperence of Jesus muhomid Abraham and a few tribes of Israel
11 trillion virgins
Ten tenticles of Israel
Ten thousand wall breakers
Oh also a few thousand buckets of water from the river Styx
So good news is I have a virgin maker 9000 so I have about 6 trillion virgins but I will needs some one else with a virgin maker 8000 or upwards.
The covent corvettes I don't have any so will will have to jack a lot of them...
I can summon 5 badger bergades then I run out of summoning salts so I will need a summoner of the level 666 or upwards.
All the gods will already be there they can wait to bash down the gates so that is good.
The voodo witch doctors can be obtained by a quick trip to New Orleans so some one will have to do that.
For the river Styx some one is going to have to go to hades and intimidate Cerberus so yeah.
The wall breakers those are fairly easy summons so that will be easy.
Now the tenticles of cathulu that is were the virgins come into play we will have to give him the virgins to entertain him as the badger bergades cut off his tenticles those will definatly give that gate a beating...
Also ally religions in the alliance of good religions is Christianity islam Hinduism budist confusism shito and jedism also jewdism.
This belongs in #Hell. Stupid Hellsicle