originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
Lightning started to violently come out of the tech blade even though it's at 15%.
He flipped the blade multiple times.
*drops the training blade* i think ill ahve to sue a real one... *summons a demon greatsword (still liek suzano) and holds it with the blade backwards*
"Thought this was a test..?" His blue and white eyes pierce your eyes as he stared at the blade.
yeah unitl the sword begin spitting lithgning. *hi right eye appears robotic while the left one glows demonic orange. staring back at you waiting*
"It's natural of my blade to do that when I'm holding back." He was in a Countering stance waiting for his move.
ok thne i wont use my demon edge. *unsumons the sword and pcisk the training oen again* *dashes a a relativly low spped and (bites) your blade as i prepare to swing mine*
Xalix in his countering stance immediately flipped the blade,sending you on your back.
*flicnhe sbut keeps standing* *swings the blade horisontaly (its a training blade BTW) whiel the Wolf looking augnelt bits your balde avoiding you to move it*