Challenge to Trials experts, if you go 9-0 this weekend after you're done with your trip to the lighthouse run a 0-3 card just to help people out. You'll get loads of messages of thanks and there's no massive need for you to get another flawless run. Last week I had a team who played hide and seek against us when we found them we got a free kill. Was equally as fun as some of the best competitive matches I've played.
EDIT: image attached to show I have SMOGGYPLUTO'S blessing.
Also instead of just gifting people the win why not post flawless, play three games of hide and seek.
For everyone bitching about trials being "competitive" how is giving somebody a free win any different then having a low level guy in your raid team just so you can carry him through to help him get some gear? Because by all of y'alls logic that low level guy doesn't deserve to get that gear. Me and a friend of mine helped a raid team of nothing but 31s and below get through the abyss on hard just to maybe get them so weapons and they were unbelievably grateful even if we did sit there for half an hour. Maybe think about that next time that elitist prick in you wants to speak out.