Ok, i love your games, i play pvp some times when there is nothing on pve. But on issue is that the shotgun kill me too much, when i am in the corner, the shotgun kills me a lot, i just don't want that too much, it's overused and too over powered weapon. I just get too mad of the weapon rebalance with shotgun to be ever power. I need fushion rifle buffed because of how powerful like it's a charge rate weapon that shoots a lot of laser kill, but i just don't why shotguns have to be over powered and fushion shoots like a laser sight, i just need shotguns to be nerfed and fushion rifle buffed. Please make this happen for all the player who don't want this game to be different. Please bungie replie to this
I'm guessing you never played the game before the fusion nerf They were monsters capable of killing from 50ft away in one hit