Incorrect . What gives you that idea ?
Your highest score is lower than mine, and I had a few less kills, thus, I had more objectives captured.
I probably capture between 3-5 on an average game .. I'm not much of a run and gun merchant. That shit gets your ass killed and therefore feeds points to the other team. If your KD is good. You're the most valuable person on your team .
I completely agree with you:) sorry for being a douche:) I see what you mean, because I at similarly. Cap 2 points, and kill as much as you can without dying. Maximizing your own points, while also minimizing the enemies points!
Exactly this. You'll get people running round all over getting 30+ kills. But when they're dying 30 times. There's not much point. Now if I get 20 kills and did 4 or 5 times. That makes me better than them