So I just read the weekly update and at the end saw this Mysterious box labeled "Explosive" for E3 next week.
What do you think is in it Guardians?
Explosive Projectile
Brad pitts wife's head
Strangers rifle
Something big. As in something ground breaking, or a very large announcement.
spongebobs christmas picture
It's my dick in a box.
Destiny the game
A gun that will allow tham to fire buIIshI+ more effectively at those watching then they were able to do at previous E3's.
Edited by Unst0ppabl3114: 6/13/2015 1:54:20 AMA gun to fire more lying bullsh!t at us like they did last year
I think it an analogy of the game. You're expecting a BOOM but instead you'll get a Pffffffft, or whistle and pop at most.
In order of what I think it is. 1 gally 2 scorch cannon 3 truth
Probebly a live copy of the gelly to troll the people at e3 lol
Scorch cannon
Tracy! (Gwyneth Paltrow)
Xur will sell gjally that week that's why
Gotta be a Gally
It's a Gjallarhorn model.
Deez nutz
100% confirmed gally
A prop replica of some kind.
All the tears that have been collected since release. They have to be careful if all those tears came out at once who knows how much damage would result.
A new Gjallarhorn alternative??? If so make it Arc based...
Gjallarhorn or a scorch cannon came to mind.
Activisions Dildo Launcher - every customer required to bend over & receive their reward...