So I just read the weekly update and at the end saw this Mysterious box labeled "Explosive" for E3 next week.
What do you think is in it Guardians?
Activisions Dildo Launcher - every customer required to bend over & receive their reward...
Some sort of joke, like a piece paper with BANG written on it
What oryx well look like
Potato launcher? Yes, I'm going with that.
Gjallarhorn replica.
A new exotic (possibly 347 vesta destiny or fate of all fools).
The ice breaker replica!!!?
A replica of a scorch cannon
Probably the reveal of the Taken King
Its a gally duh!
I don't really care what's in it. C'mon guys, its the new BUNGiE. They'll hype up whatever it is in the box to this great big surprise, but in reality it's going to be a huge hyped up let down. Like Destiny, like TDB, like HoW (Although HoW has redeemed Destiny a little in my eyes).
What if they release a 4th class but no 4th toon slot. Lol i could see them doing that
A gjallarhorn.
I'm pretty sure it was Deej's overnight bag...
A khvostov. Bungie will do it... They are very... How would you put a troll into better terms....
A model scorch cannon that works.
Master Chiefs helmet and pistol. Spartan 4th class confirmed! .... if only.
A new exotic rocket launcher model to contest ghorn
T-shirt cannon that resembles gjallarhorn
Scorch cannon
Some fancy illusion involving smoke and mirrors that they spent more money on than actual game development. Don't worry whatever it is it probably won't be included in the actual game.
Lifesize Gjallahorn
Gold bars from the $$$$$$$ made from dlc ?
Who cares? I doubt anything in that box is going to fix any of the multitude problems of this game. The update was pretty much, "We're outta here to show our upcoming products. Don't call us, we'll call you"...
Probably a replica scorch cannon
The first weapon better than jelly horn