originally posted in:Guardians Of Nessus
Hey this week the team will be helping people get their flawless in the trials, just post your gamertags and psn and we'll add you when we do trials.
Happy gaming folks
Add mrhitthat32 I can hold my own just need the other 2 to push it over the top
Level 34 on all characters Platform-xbox1 Gamertag-Outdoinysus3278 Looking for a group to help me get flawless. I don't do PvP much so I would need a lot of help. I have all maxed weapons. If you think you're up for the challenge add me and send me an invite. Thank you
Need 1 experienced player to go Flawless. We have a 34 Titan and a 34 Warlock/Hunter. Gt same as above. XB1
I'm good I just never have the right group. I need help going flawless on xb1 gt same as above I'm a 34 warlock with max thorn, last word, red death and vex and much more plz be good. Don't waste my time
Psn: irvinekd On ps3 or ps4 Would appreciate the help going flawless this weekend thanks!
Need one for xbox one Gt tanzman777
Help me out in trails? Invite highigodz930
360. Need 1 more to help two 34s with mics. 9-0 has been difficult. GT: Lokavid
Lvl 34 hunter looking to go flawless in trials on Xbox one gt is Firestormworld. I have max thorn
Hey guys! I'm a level 34 with max thorn and lots of other weapons so send inv and I will try to join as soon as possible and please be experienced in the crucible thanks!xbox one
Hey I'd really appreciate if you could help me Xbone gt; Backbyter
The Bright Jew please get me in and help me message me if anyone else would be willing to help
Xbox one Gt: D0 U HAVE EBOLA
Need one good player 34 had to of gone flawless before
Need one more
We in one more
Help us
I'm a lvl 34 Hunter just looking for some help going flawless. My PSN is Empireaxe88
Edited by NoodleGirl89: 7/5/2015 8:55:45 PMI really need some help from some people that are good at pvp. I've been trying all day to find a good team to go go flawless. I've played with different people who either leave after one bad game or just blame me for the loss and their lack of skill. I'm very capable of holding my own, but I just need help. Please help me out crucible gods? I'm on ps3, message or add name above. 34 titan 34 warlock 34 hunter
Experienced level 34 warlock Good setup Looking to join a good team flawless Add stuartwilde123
If anyone is kind enough to help on xbox 360 my gt is the same
Hey guys! I'm a level 34 with max thorn and lots of other weapons so send inv and I will try to join as soon as possible and please be experienced in the crucible thanks! Xbox one
Are you on PS3 too? If so my name is corollaNC
Need a team to carry me too 5wins in not bad but tonight I'm getting smashed add me please
Looking for players on ps4 that do the trials! Have all level 34 guys maxed wepons but no one to play trials with because it is so hard people won't play
Lvl 34 hunter looking to join a group for trials I am just looking to get to the weapon I am on Xbox 1